Any recommendations for a Non-Cathe Aerobic Workout?


I am looking for a slightly less-advanced Aerobic Workout than what Cathe has to offer. (without weights or steps) MIC is a bit too advanced for me right now.

I want to combine cardio into my regular routine of weights but I don't have any good cardio tapes. For my weight training, I am using the SH series, MIS and GS.

Does anyone have any suggestions for an intermediate cardio without step or weights?

I like Leslie Sansone's advanced DVD's. My favorite are:

Super Fat Burning 3 Mile
WAP 3 mile
Express 4 mile Super Challage

and Leslie is supposed to come out with a 5 mile walk. I can use these as is or on a step or rebounder.

I also like Taebo, Spinning and Kari Anderson Go: Step for Beginners but someone always shows the moves without the step.

Also Christi has come out with a cardio that is 1/2 step and 1/2 HiLo that is good. You can just do the step portion without the step.


When I first started working out EVER I did Kathy Smith, alot of Kathy Smith. She is pretty perky and cues well. You can also go to to find a video. There are consumer reviews and you can find the right level for you.

Yes I can! If you want a really good cardio/fitness workout I highly suggest this dvd: Explosive Basketball-Quickness & Agility.

Yes, I'm serious. I bought this dvd for my son who plays basketball and I have turned it into a workout for myself that you can do either in a gym or in your own driveway/yard. This dvd is all about drills to become a better athlete, none of them involving the use of a basketball so don't be put off thinking you will be shooting baskets.

I get bored doing just livingroom workouts. A person's mind needs change and challenge and the drills on this dvd make for a great workout that you can make as long or as short as you want to. Check it out at Watch the dvd with a pen and paper in hand so you can write down each drill, how many reps and sets they recommend, etc.
I recommend the TAEBO workouts,Turbo Jam and the Christi Taylor's workouts.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator,TAEBO and Turbo Jam junkie.
Also, some of the CIA workouts might fit the bill. Cardio Crazy with Gay Gaspar, Rob GLick's step videos, and some of the other hi/lo stuff (like with Donna Read). I noticed the other day that Greg Twombly, founder and owner of the Creative Instructors of Aerobics (CIA), was the executive producer on Cathe's BodyBlast series. The company is out of the Philadelphia area, and Cathe's first workouts were through there. They have a website at Some of the instructors have their own websites. You can also purchase the videos on other sites, like amazon.
Christi Taylor!!!! I just found her DVDs about a month ago, and I love them. They are not as intense as Cathe, but they still get your heart rate up. And, they are FUN! The choreography moves fast, but you'll never get bored. The music is really, really good too (a must for me). She had a sale on her site which might still be going on.

I LOVE Turbo Jam! I saw some postings here on the Cathe boards & was glad I purchased it. It isn't as hard as Cathe but works up a good sweat along with being really fun. Coleen

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