Any post-op hysterectomy types trying to get back in Cathe shape?


Hi all
Just wondering if anyone suggestions re: working out post-hyst (3 months, bikini incision). I've been easing myself back to Cathe after walking like a mad-woman post-op. Have found Low Max OK, the others I've tried with the jumping etc. I lace my fingers over my lower abs to provide some support hence, no arm involvement but hey, at least I'm doin it. Have done ab work 2 - 3 days per week, figuring 'hey, I'm gonna swell anyway.. might as well make it worth my while!'

I'm very grateful to Cathe's workouts for the strength and stamina I had in the weeks following surgery. I just don't want to lose what I had prior to it.
Any advice on further modifications to any of the moves would be appreciated. Also, is it reasonable to expect that at 5 or 6 months post-op I might, might be able to do fuller workouts without feeling such irritation in my lower abs from say, Step- Blast'?

Looking for hope and encouragement:)
Hi Mmarg,

While I have not personally had a hysterectomy, I wanted to share the story of a woman whom I train with who has. She is 52 years old and competed in her first bodybuilding show last year. Five years ago she was significantly overweight and had no interest in physical fitness. However, she began training for health reasons. For her 50th birthday, she wanted to compete but never thought that she could. However, after much convincing, she began training and competed in 2004. She feared that she'd never have visible abdominal development due to her hysterectomy.

Well, I am here to tell you that last year at age 52, she competed as a body builder in 3 shows. She took 2nd, 3rd, and 5th in the lightweight division, and competed against women half her age!!! I say all of this to provide you a story of encouragement and hope. Keep training hard, eating cleanly, but ease back into things very slowly. You WILL achieve your goals in time. (I've posted pictures of Isabel on my picturetrail site under the album appropriately titled "My Motivation - Isabel"...)

Best of luck!
Your friend in fitness,

Picture Trail URL:

"I am only competing with the me I have yet to be..."
RE: Any post-op hysterectomy types trying to get back i...

Wow FitGirl-ATX! I don't know how much more inspiring your story could be. Thanks so much for sharing. And both you and Isabel look great.:D

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