Any other third trimester moms-to-be?


Well here I am, about halfway through third trimester (33 weeks)! I'm the one who posted the comfort question a few months ago. For the sake of follow up, here's my report on how it feels:

My groin ligament hurts like crazy, it is my main complaint. It is okay during the day but by bedtime I am limping and moaning! Tylenol does help though.

The belly is big (40 inch waist right now!) but not TOO cumbersome yet. It is very round, and I LOVE feeling my little girl moving! For the most part, I just really like my belly.

Heartburn has arrived, but not really with a vengeance. I get mild heartburn most evenings.

I'm not too easily winded- I have a feeling I'm carrying low, which is a relief for my lungs.

That's all I can think of now- which is strange because I feel like I complain sort of a lot! Anyone else out there in 3rd tri, or just feel like posting?
Lisa first baby- a girl!- due July 18th-ish
Hi Lisa,
Yep, I'm in my third trimester I'm 30 weeks. My biggest complaint is my feet are terribly swollen so much so I get comments all the time from people like "wow, look at your feet" it's really bad the only shoes I can really wear are flip flops. I'm also having a little girl that I'm naming Kendall Gabreilla first time mom. She's due July 29th I'm right behind you. Take care.

Hi Shanda!
Wow- you ARE right behind me! What a beautiful name you've chosen for your little girl! We plan to name our baby Malina Elisabeth.

Ohhh yeahhhh swollen feet- how could I forget that? I almost cried this morning, just looking at my puffy fat platypus feet. Not to mention my hands. I can't wear any rings anymore. :( Those comments from people are awfully helpful, aren't they ;)

Also, I'm exhausted because my sleep is so weird- I get so tired in the evenings, go to bed around 11, and wake up promptly at 4am ready to take on the world! Needless to say when 7am rolls around I no longer feel so powerful. It's exhausting.

I guess it's a good thing we're in the home stretch.

Hi Lisa and Shanda! I am 38 weeks and ready for this baby to be born. I have been really lucky in that I've had very few of the physical discomforts common in pregnancy (swollen extremeties etc..). I just have a really, really hard time with the weight gain thing, so it's more of an "emotional discomfort"! I had a Dr. appt yesterday and she said I am 30% effaced, but not dilated at all. She did say my cervix is very soft, though, and she expects me to go within a week. I know these things are impossible to predict however, so I will be disappointed but not necessarily surprised if it is longer than that!

Lisa, I am also exhausted all the time. No matter how tired I get, I just can't get to sleep at night. Well, actually I sleep for 2-3 hours and then I'm wide awake. Last night I was up mopping the floors at 4 a.m.! It makes it really hard to keep up with my 2-year during the day. My Dr. told my it's okay occasionally to take Tylenol PM, but sometimes even that doesn't work! There I go complaining again!

I hope the last few weeks are as comfortable as possible for the 2 of you. Good luck!
Ohh, 38 weeks! And going within a week!! Good luck! I'll be 35 weeks as of tomorrow! I hear you about the emotional discomfort. I started sobbing the other day when my poor DH commented that my face looked thinner than it did a few days ago. It made me think my face is puffy now, that means it was even BIGGER a few days ago! Sometimes I think I just really need to cry.

I hear you on the sleeping in short spurts. Sometimes I even dread going to bed because I know how uncomfortable and restless I will be

I get tired of complaining too! How funny. My joints all ache like I'm an elderly lady full of arthritis- I guess it's the hormones. And my back aches and burns, and I don't feel like cooking, and my hands and feet are swollen...heehee the list is getting longer! At least I only have 3 more weeks to work- and then a lonnng break.
Thanks for listening, and please feel free to post more- I like knowing I'm not alone!
Well, here I am at 39 weeks and 5 days, and still no baby:-( I'm starting to get really frustrated. With my first, I was actually expecting to go past my due date, so I was caught off gaurd when he came 9 days early. This time I was expecting to go early, and it looks like I'm going to be late instead! I'm trying to stay busy so I don't have time to dwell on it. If there is anyone reading this who has been through this and has tips on staying sane, I would love to hear them! It's easier for me on the weekends when my husband is home and we are out and about doing things. The weekdays that I'm home taking care of my son just drag by.
I'm basically just walking now for exercise. I'm TRYING to do Firm Tough Tape 2 one or twice a week to maintain my strength. I've managed to maintain my strength so far, and I don't want to lose it now. I've actually surprised myself a little that I can still do push-ups (on my knees), and I can still do tricep dips. So maybe I've even gotten a little stronger! I've gained 42 lbs and I'm hoping I won't gain anymore.

Lisa and Shanda, how are you feeling?

Hi Amy,
I feel pretty good my feet aren't as swollen anymore. My back kills me though, like tonight I'm trying to really clean and I have to stop and sit down alot because of my back. I haven't worked out in a long time I can hardly walk one block without being out of breath. She's breeched so when I bend over the blood rushes to my head big time. I'll be like you by the end of my pregnancy I probably will have gained 40lbs so far I'm at 32lbs. I'm impressed that you can still do pushups and tricep dips. That's why we love Cathe. Take care and let us know when you deliver.

Hi! Thanks for keeping in touch guys! Oh Amy, good luck- I'm sorry the days are dragging for you, but I can sure see why. I hope you deliver soon! And Shanda- we have so much in common!
I'm walking 1-3 times a week, one of which is a hilly 5 mile route. My breathing is still okay since I'm carrying low and round.

I am 36 weeks along now (due July 15), so today I had my 36 week appt with the midwife.
Like you, I have gained 42 lbs (except I'm only 36 weeks!) and my BP was 120/70, still good. My belly measured exactly 36 cm, and Baby's heartbeat was 144- well in range.
The midwife gave me a verrry nice compliment when she said "How tall are you?" and I said 5'4", and she said she was amazed at how efficient and perfect my belly was! She said I was carrying such a good-sized baby in such a small yet-adequate amount of space, she sighed and patted my belly and said "Just a perfect belly!" which was very nice. She said baby is about 6 lbs now, and I have 4 weeks to go, so after the internal she said it appears that I'm going to go full term, NOT early, with a sturdy 8 lb-ish baby. When she said that my eyes got big (with fear) and she said "You can do it! You can deliver an 8 pounder- you'll be fiiiine." She's so nice. I'm glad she'll be there with me.

I'm not effaced or dilated or anything, so she said don't expect anything earlier than mid-July. At first I was disappointed, because being early is so exciting, and we feel ready, but I'm just going to enjoy this last month, and take it easy and appreciate the quiet calm life I have for now. So it's all good.
Hi Lisa,

I responded to your comfort post a few days ago. Glad to hear your doing well.

I have some questions for any of you about your feet and hands. (I am 33 weeks). My feet have gotten really swollen over the past few weeks, especially in the last few days. I also have gained 5 lbs. since Friday afternoon. I am wondering if that is just third trimester weight gain (due to the 55 brownies I ate on Sunday) or if it's something to worry about. The other question I had is have any of you experienced pain with the swelling? My feet and lower legs really hurt - even the soles of my feet. I was standing all day Saturday and much of yesterday which I am sure have added to the swelling but I didn't expect pain too. My hands don't really hurt but feel like they do after a long walk on a warm day.

I am mostly worried about the weight gain right now. (I don't have any reason to believe this is the beginning of toxemia). I thought I was doing so well and then all of the sudden 5 lbs. in less than a week. I am going to be huge if I keep up this pace. What has your weight gain been like this last trimester - 1 lb. per week, 2 lbs. per week, etc.?

Any comments/experiences would be appreciated.
>Hi Lisa,
>I responded to your comfort post a few days ago. Glad to hear
>your doing well.
>I have some questions for any of you about your feet and
>hands. (I am 33 weeks). My feet have gotten really swollen
>over the past few weeks, especially in the last few days. I
>also have gained 5 lbs. since Friday afternoon. I am wondering
>if that is just third trimester weight gain (due to the 55
>brownies I ate on Sunday) or if it's something to worry about.
> The other question I had is have any of you experienced pain
>with the swelling? My feet and lower legs really hurt - even
>the soles of my feet. I was standing all day Saturday and much
>of yesterday which I am sure have added to the swelling but I
>didn't expect pain too. My hands don't really hurt but feel
>like they do after a long walk on a warm day.
>I am mostly worried about the weight gain right now. (I don't
>have any reason to believe this is the beginning of toxemia).
>I thought I was doing so well and then all of the sudden 5
>lbs. in less than a week. I am going to be huge if I keep up
>this pace. What has your weight gain been like this last
>trimester - 1 lb. per week, 2 lbs. per week, etc.?
>Any comments/experiences would be appreciated.

I honestly don't know if it's 1lb a week or 2lb. I did get on the scale the other day and thought I had picked up queit a bit of weight in a very short period of time. I don't go to the doctor until next week but I will start paying attention and report back.

My ankle and foot and hand swelling sounds JUST like yours. Yes it hurts, the muscles are all sore as if I've been overusing them by dancing in heels or pruning bushes all day. Making a fist hurts. The soles of my feet ache. So it does sound similar!
And my weight gain has been like that too. I generally gain 0-4 lbs per week. But I did notice that it can jump FAST! I can be the same for 5 days, and then on day 6 I gain three lbs! And the weight stays on- it never goes down! But the main thing is it doesn't happen EVERY week. I bet you'll be just fine, but I guess it never hurts to talk to your dr.

Good luck,
first-time mom to be of baby girl due July 15th!

Glad to hear I am not alone. Yes, I am experiencing excatly what you're talking about. I hate to overreact and call the doctor to have them tell me it's nothing and to put my feet up. I have an appointment the 30th so I'll just wait until then unless something drastic happens. As soon as the weather starts acting like Summer I am heading straight for the pool!

Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy. Let me know how things go - if you have enough energy.

I'll keep in touch,
Hi- just thought I'd give an update- it's been a while!

Third trimester actually seems to be getting easier, if you can believe it. Lately I'm sleeping better, my edema is less pronounced (and less painful too) and I need no naps, and I have a good (normal!!) amount of energy! I'm very happy with that!
Today was my 37 week checkup~
belly measured 37, I gained 1 lb from last week (now totals a 43 lb gain) and she estimates our little girl is about 6.5 lbs! I am about 30% effaced and 1 cm dilated! That really surprised me- but she said it really doesn't mean much, I will probably still go to term (mid-July). Anyone have info on that?
This baby is still moving and squirming nonstop when she's awake :)
Friday is my last day of work! YAY!

Not long now!!
How's everyone else??

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