Any other Mac users out there?

RE: Hi All!

Hey Mac users, have a question for you...

I am considering getting a new laptop but keeping my desktop which would be a dell windows XP but am really considering a macbook for my laptop... i am not worried about being able to move documents from one to the other but haven't had much experience with Macs as my work computer is also a PC...any advice or suggestions?? TIA!
RE: Hi All!

Hiya! I'm thinking about switching from a PC to an iMac. Has anyone else done that and if so, which do you prefer?
RE: Hi All!

Well, if you have an Apple store nearby, they are very helpful and knowledgeable. They also have plenty of Macs on hand that you can try out. Apple stores also offer free workshops and if you buy a Mac and pay $99 for a year you can get one-on-one training--I think it's once a week. Here's a link about that program:

I think when you first try a Mac, there's a little bit of a learning curve on how to use the operating system, but overall it's very user-friendly and fun.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog:
RE: Hi All!

thanks Lanie! I was on that website checking it out as you posted that- of course no stores nearby me unless I go north by Chicago, figures!! I'm sure I would like it and get used to it, I'm pretty quick at picking up on computer stuff... what to do, what to do!!!! x(

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