Any one else have this happen to them?!

Wow, I'm glad I'm not alone with this problem! I was very overweight and decided after last Christmas to get back into good shape. I've lost over 50 pounds and am comfortably in a size 8. Not skinny by any means; not even thin. But I'm comfortable with it although I'm trying to lose about another 15 pounds to get into a 6. It amazes me how people kind of put me down for passing up treats and especially alcohol! I went to a major league baseball game with family members last week and you'd have thought I was anti-family somehow because I didn't want to get anything to drink.

I also have the "you exercise too much" comments. I workout 5-6 days a week. I don't discuss this with everyone, but I spend my weekends at a campground where I have a permanent camper, so they see me running, etc.

I have just come up with the answer that works for me----"thank you for the compliment. I feel healthy and great, but will feel even better when I lose a few more pounds" and I change the subject.

I think you just have to be firm about not discussing it further and move on. Sometimes I feel rude, but if I don't think the person is asking me questions for a positive reason (ie, they want to know what has worked for me so they can follow my lead), I cut it off!

Good luck!

I can so relate. I've lost 60 pounds this year and have run into people I hadn't seen in a while and they always want to know what I'm doing. I learned after the first couple of times to just say, "I'm eating less and moving more" without going into detail. I figure if they're serious about getting healthy they'll find the answers for themselves. If they really want guidance I'll share what worked for me.
Now I'm getting, "oh, don't lose too much weight", and "don't become anorexic". For heavens sake!! I've made terrific progress but I'm currently at 27% body fat. I respond to this by saying, "I'm under my doctors care and my health is my priority".

When I had lost around 23 lbs my neighbor went on and on about how I didn't need to lose any more weight; she thought I was too skinny...(she's slim herself) I had to laugh to myself as when I started my journey to better health my body fat was 44%, so, um, yea..I needed to lose more...

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