Any of you speak foreign languages (Australians don't count!) :-)


After reading the very admirable and yet amusing posts by Mariangeles, I have the greatest respect for her for posting in English on this board, and I got to wondering if any of you speak another language.

My mother is an immigrant from Spain, who came here when she was 13. My father was born in Florida, and so were his parents and grandparents, but originally came from Cuba in the 1820s to work in Key West's and later Tampa's cigar industry. My grandparents ran a corner grocery store in Old Key West until they died, basically.

So, when I was born my maternal grandmother came to live with us to help out for a few months and spoke only Spanish to me. My mother spoke both languages, and my father spoke only English. I never read or wrote in Spanish, never studied it in school, so I speak pretty unsophisticated Spanish, but without any accent. In other words, I sound like a native speaker, but I'm not! And although I understand 98% of what anyone says, when I speak, I struggle with nuance and idiomatic expressions are my downfall. I am an English speaker, let's face it, but I do speak Spanish. And I learned pretty good French in school. I took French for 10 years, and can still speak or read if needed. But my accent, ou la la!! Not so good!

Anyway, now that I've introduced myself for 10 pages, I'd like to hear if any of you speak other languages. I know Cathe speaks German, maybe much like I speak Spanish, from speaking at home.

What about youze other guys??:)
RE: Any of you speak foreign languages (Australians don...

Hey! Great topic!

I speak Spanish and soooome French. Not too confident about the French these days.

I would LOOOOVE to speak Italian, but only if I get to learn it in Italy. :)

Mogambo maaaaatttttteeeee, what do you mean us Aussies don't count as a language all of our own :) :) :) :) :)

I must admit though, I have to be careful when I post because nobody understands my Aussie slang.

Liz N

PS Have a bewdiful day!
mogambo...good post! i speak spanish..enough to get by. i understand almost all of it. i can read it pretty fluently (better than i speak it) and i can write some. i am very out of practice! i live in texas and there alot of mexican-americans here. hence, i have dated my fair share of them! so i learned alot of spanish from boyfriends and their families. also i took 4 years in highschool and 2 years in college( i tested out of the first one so two years technically) i wish i could say that i use it but i don't know anyone else that speaks it so i have lost a lot of it. i love the way it sounds though. also, i took two semesters of ASL (sign language) in college. i never use it either so i have forgotten most of it.

"Australian dont count......" ha ha ha
What about the New Zelanders? (kiwis) Beleive me, we also have a language so foreign, we dont even understand each other sometimes.

So considering I was born in Holland, (so know the Dutch lingo pretty well), schooled in New Zealand for a number of years but have now lived in Australia for a few years, does that mean Im fluent in three languages?

My DH is a Kiwi and he comes from a long generation of Kiwis that are born, bred and buried in New Zealand. Thank God, Ive bought a bit of culture into his life (only kidding)

RE: Any of you speak foreign languages (Australians don...

I speak just enough Spanish, French and Italian to have them get all crossed up in my mind when I'm nervously trying to interact with a local when traveling. "Por favor, hay acqua calda dans la salle de bain?" Nevertheless, I always try, because people like it so much when you don't just assume everyone's going to speak English. I was in Paris for a couple days in 2000, and everyone was so nice about helping me with both the language and everything else. A taxi driver even complimented my French (I think, LOL).
I also studied ancient Greek and Latin on my own, so I can decipher the greek alphabet. When I was teenager I would write English words using the Greek alphabet phonetically so no one could read what I wrote.
I love languages. I'm appalled that it is not mandatory to study a language at my son's university. Knowing another language broadens the mind in so many ways.
Great topic. I admire Mariangeles, too!
Australians and New Zealanders, aren't they the same??? }( }( }(

Funny what you can get away with on the internet, eh?

Just kidding. My daughter went to New Zealand for a month and I learned a lot about Australian/New Zealand issues.
RE: Any of you speak foreign languages (Australians don...

How very interesting. It really broadens our group interest here. I speak Spanish somewhat terribly because my mother is Mexican, spoke perfect Spanish to us yet we always answered her in English. She should have never allowed us to because as a result, our accent is horrific. I also took French for 8 years starting in Middle school & always did great but I don't think my accent was very good either. You see, I was born & bred in Texas with the tumbleweeds 'atumblin & the coyotes 'ahowlin & this here accent seems to overpower me when I go & try to speak another language. It's purty scary.:eek:

RE: Any of you speak foreign languages (Australians don...

Hi Mogambo,

Very interesting topic! My mother is from Cuba but that entire side of my family has their origins from northern Spain. I can speak Castilian (spanish), a little French (I have family in France, I should really push myself to learn more!) and some Italian, which I love love love (I took lessons)! However, being a native English speaker, it is much more difficult to express myself 100% in any of these languages. I am also trying to learn Galego ( my grandmother's family comes from a part of Spain called Galicia, and they speak a separate language). Since I am also the biggest "celtophile" I also try to learn some Irish Gaelic and Scots Gaelic where ever I can!! Oh, also I have a German aunt through marriage and when I was little I remember learning quite a bit German as well but that was years ago and since my uncle passed away my aunt returned to Germany so I have no one to practice with anymore:-(

I really find language to be so endlessly fascinating!!:7
hola a todas que hablan espanol! soy mexicana y hablo y escribo poco en espanol tambien lol. Estoy feliz de poder praticar un poco. Tambien estoy feliz porque les encanta cathe como a mi! Bueno que tengan un buen dia!!!! :)
Now listen here you two!

Didnt your mother tell you that if you cant say anything nice, you shouldnt say it at all............

Thank you Mogambo.You write that my posts are admirable and amusing. Thank you.I only express my admiration for the Cathe's workout.I have found awesome persons in these forums too. Have you seen the post of Pace 1987 and Wanda answering to my questions about the cathe's outfit?. They have been so warm. Have you ridden the posts of Debbie H?. I love the way she uses the imoticon faces. I remenber my gratefulness when she posted a spanish flag in one of her messages.I have received an awesome mesage of jdoll in my inbox, I have ridden awesome posts of Carole, Sandra,Sandy, Marla, Annete,Tammy, Donna,CurlyQ, Ruth etc.Excuse me if I have forgotten someone.Thank you to everybody . Have a great Sunday.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:)
RE: Any of you speak foreign languages (Australians don...

I posted earlier how much I admired Mariangeles for being brave enough to post in English and asked her where she'd learned it. She replied she'd only studied it at school, which amazed me because I think her English is excellent! Has it improved much since you joined this forum, Mariangeles? Do you post on other English-speaking forums?

I speak German pretty well. My parents are from Germany, and although the rare times they spoke German to us kids, we answered them in English, I developed an ear for it and picked it up quickly when I studied it formally later. Like you, Mogambo, my accent fools people into thinking my German is better than it is. When speaking to German natives in this country, I've been asked many times how long I've lived in America! I used to be a high school German teacher before I had my first child 12 years ago. I volunteer to teach it in my son's class once a week so I keep my fingers in it. I also try to read novels from time to time but it can be slow going.

I agree that it's a shame there isn't more of an emphasis on foreign language study in this country. I guess it's not REALLY necessary like it is in European and other countries but it does indeed broaden the mind in so many ways.

Great topic, Mogambo!:)
RE: Any of you speak foreign languages (Australians don...

My Cuban ancestors, and my last name are both from Galicia. Cool.
Voy a tratar de decirle en espanol que ha dicho "ridden", que quiere decir que lo ha montado, como, un caballo. Riding a horse. You have ridden a horse. Eso es bien gracioso, pero usted quiere decir "written" que quiere decir "escribio".

Sigue escribiende, le va bastante bien.

Ouch. That hurt my brain!!

Does it hurt to write all that English, Mariangeles, because that short piece of Spanish cost me about 17 brain cells.
RE: Any of you speak foreign languages (Australians don...

What languages does Rocky speak? I wanna jump in here before Annette does.
RE: Any of you speak foreign languages (Australians don...

A Hungarian here -- living here only for 15 years. My Hungarian is perfect! Actually my user name "macska" means "cat" in Hungarian. We had to learn Russian in school for 8 years, but I really don't remember too much. I also learned French for 4 years and some Italian. I love to watch movies w/ subtitles both in French and Italian, I enjoy the sound of these languages so much!
Mariangeles, your English is wonderful! :)
RE: Any of you speak foreign languages (Australians don...

Hola! Yo hablo el Espanol. Mis padres son de Puertorico. I now live in the French speaking part of Switzerland so whenever anybody talks to me I just look at them with a blank expression. Or I start speaking Spanish to them, lol! :)
RE: Any of you speak foreign languages (Australians don...

Mogambo...just wanted to let you know that was an excellent use of 17 brain cells....I understood perfectly what you wrote to Mariangeles:p :D !!!

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