Any of you speak foreign languages (Australians don't count!) :-)

I'm fluent in French (which I teach), and can also speak Spanish.
Though I've studied German, it never really took, though I can still come up with some phrases and can understand a little bit. I can also read some Italian.
Thank you Sandy and Susan. Susan I only post messages in these forums. Excuse me Mogambo and everybody I could bother.It has been a big mistake. I only want to know that if you have read (leido no escrito) the awesome posts of Debbie H.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:)
Que suerte! He encontrado a unos amigos que se han dedicado al ejercicio Y tambien al "arte" de ser bilingue! Me encanta poder charlar con uds. DE mi pasion (el ejercicio) EN una lengua extranjera!

Et maintenant, il me faut parler en peu en francais. Whew . . . je ne peux pas. Quand je pense a quelquechose que je voudrais vous dire, je ne peux pas le dire en francais. Ca va.

Au revoir! :)

This is great fun!

OOOH! You were saying "read", and you turned it into "ridden". That makes sense really, Mariangeles, it's just that English has so many irregular spellings and odd verbs. I apologize for my native language. ;-)

You are not bothering us (molestando) We are just trying to understand. I was not teasing you, just playing. (Estaba jugando solamente. Sigue escribiendo.)

I have read many of Debbie H's posts, of course. Every other post on this forum comes from that super-prolific poster!! She is the Queen Bee of posters. She could do TypingMax Extreme.

Have you seen how many posts she has, I think she has more than Cathe!
Ne parle pas francais. C'est trops dificil pour moi, et je ne veux pas etre estupide.

Crappeaux. Mon french c'est most awfulieux.
RE: Any of you speak foreign languages (Australians don...

Rocky was raised by racoons (it's a long story), so he is fluent in Racoonese. He also speaks a bit of Rat (Rattish?) and once took a course in Chipmunkan. He really has a talent for languages and I've told him many times he should study them more, but you know how stubborn squirrels can be...
Don't worry Mogambo.You don't have to apologize. I only wanted to explain what I wanted to say , recognize my mistake and apologize.I undestand that you have to do an effort to undestand me and I am thankfull for that. English has so many irregular spelling and odd verbs. You have been very kind when you talked about my messages. Excuse my mistakes.I hope my english's level improve soon.

Con cariño.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
I have a smattering of French, Spanish & German, but I've forgotten a lot. I can usually read any of them okay, & can tell what somebody is saying for the most part, but writing it & speaking it...I'd have to study for awhile!

Mariángeles, you know how I do a fantastic job.;-) And you're right about Debbie H. She's the best!


You are tooo cute! Were you able to figure out how to post a flag? Let me know if you need help. Is this the flag you liked?

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
My French is OK, gets a lot better with practice. My sister lives in France and when I was over earlier this month, I was surprised at how much I understood. I started studying it in fourth grade and had it through my second year of college.

I think language education is sooooo important. It's embarrassing to go abroad and have people assume (rightly, most of the time) that since you're American, you can't speak anything but English.

I speak North Florida Redneck and MinnesoHHHHHHHHHta.

"Lutefisk, lutefisk,
Goh MinnesoHHHHHHHHHta!
Lutefisk, lutefisk,
Ya sher ya betcha!"

I can curse anyone out in Italian. I learned this as a young girl when my grandmother used to cuss out my grandfather for coming home after drinking too much Port wine. I've found this usefull when watching the Soprano's but that's about it

>Of course Australians don't count.. it's not a foreign
>language :)

The original poster WAS joking: an Australian accent can sound like a foreign language to us Americans!
A case in pont: When I was a grad student, I used to go to movies on Friday afternoon, when prices were cheap, new movies were out, and there was no crowd. Once, I chose a movie that looked good from the poster. When the movie started, I was wondering "why aren't there subtitles?" What language is this anyway? After a minute, I realized it was an Australian film! After I got acclimated to the accent, I understood, but there was a bit of "culture shock" at first! (Kind of embarassing, because I was a language student, and am usually very good with accents!).
>Of course Australians don't count.. it's not a foreign
>language :)

The original poster WAS joking: an Australian accent can sound like a foreign language to us Americans!
A case in pont: When I was a grad student, I used to go to movies on Friday afternoon, when prices were cheap, new movies were out, and there was no crowd. Once, I chose a movie that looked good from the poster. When the movie started, I was wondering "why aren't there subtitles?" What language is this anyway? After a minute, I realized it was an Australian film! After I got acclimated to the accent, I understood, but there was a bit of "culture shock" at first! (Kind of embarassing, because I was a language student, and am usually very good with accents!).
This is sooooo funny

Australian accents and New Zealand accents couldnt be "more" different than chalk and cheese if you tried - but we do understand the confussion from "other" foreigners.

Actually! to "us", we can never tell an American and a Canadian apart.

Given a 50/50 guess and we are always wrong

Go figure!


Honestly, we can almost always not tell them apart either. I mean, I (an American born and raised here) cannot tell a Canadian from an American from the Midwest or New England or the Pacific states, unless the American has a strong accent. If they are more "TV broadcaster" sounding, and no one uses the words "oot" or "aboot", then I am always surprised to learn I have been speaking with or listening to a Canadian.

New Zealand and Australian accents are a lot more distinctive than Canadians and Americans.

And as the original poster, yes, I was just kidding. For me the toughest "English" accent to understand are people from Scotland. HELP!!

Yo soy Dominicana, therefore I also speak Spanish. Bueno, mi mama y mi papa nacieron en la Republica Dominicana y yo naci aqui. Pero si vivi alla por un tiempo y estudie alla. (i'm on a laptop and can't use accents)..

Anyway, I also took French in high school, but can only remember "Je m'apelle Blanche". :D

I can tell a Canadian because I live only 30 minutes from the border. They're the ones with the good beer and great sense of humor. I've picked up their "eh" too, because it sounds better to me than "huh?"

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