Any moms out there that internalize everything in the news?

I am terribly sensitive to these tragic stories. I cry often when I watch the news. I think stories about children do get to me more now that I'm a mom of three. But I still watch the news and am glad that these things are reported. I think it helps us to better protect our children if we know what dangers they face. I also like to be able to say a prayer for those who are hurting. I think every thought and prayer helps. I just wanted to clear up the notion that sometimes journalists or those who are avid news watchers/readers, like myself, are insensitive to such tragedies. Not so.
Your post brought back memories of when my babies were little.I have seventeen year old twins. When they were about 2 yrs old. there was a horrible story out of England about two teens who took a toddler out of a shopping mall and put him on train tracks to be hit by the train. They wanted to see what it would be like see to a person die like that. I couldn't go to sleep at night without seeing the survailence(sp?) video of that little boy walking out of the store hand in hand with his would be killers. So trusting and sweet. I actually went to a pastor (I'm not particularly religous) to help me push these thoughts out of my head. It went on for months. The pastor told me I had to get tougher skin. But I think what worked was just not watching news or reading the newspapers too carefully. Any time I saw a story with children around the same age as mine I skipped it. I think we have to or we'll all go crazy with grief. I think its sooo normal what you are going through. I also think you are just a loving, caring mother like the rest of us.
That just made me sick to my stomach and I'm in a cold sweat.
Such a visceral reaction. I'm going to have to stop reading my own thread.

All I see when I think of that is that being my baby.

I have got to get a grip!
Bad things that happen to babies and children really affect me. I get very emotional and I can't stand to hear any news about it. Like today when I read the daycare incident. I just give it to God and pray harder.

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