Any Michiganders?

I am a Michigander! I have been doing Cathe for about 6 years now and I love her!! I look forward to every single workout she has!!

I drive on the Northland drive to get to work!! So maybe we pass each other on the way??

Stockbridge is about 20 minutes north of Chelsea. Between Jackson and Lansing.

I work in AA also. I am at the UofM on State street. Maybe us AAs can do lunch one day?????

It does sound like we are all near each other. Does anyone want to do a get together. It would be neat to get together and watch the new Hardcores. Not sure where a central location would be or if someone is central enough for us to come to the house.

Any ideas?

Hey fitcat33!

I lurk all the time too, post only once in a while. I live at 23 and Foster, by the old Fields, now Scales, restaurant. Where are you? Maybe we can get together and preview the new DVD's. I know I'll need some support to get through them. Can't wait though!

I live in Allen Park. I was just in Ann Arbor - went to Whole Foods and Trader Joe's. Wish we had those stores Downriver!
>I live in Allen Park. I was just in Ann Arbor - went to
>Whole Foods and Trader Joe's. Wish we had those stores

I work right across the street from the Ann Arbor Whole Foods - I go there for lunch quite frequently!
I don't know how I missed this post over the past few days, but yes, I live in Michigan.
Just moved here about 6 months ago and live in Chelsea (about 15 miles from AA).

>I don't know how I missed this post over the past few days,
>but yes, I live in Michigan.
>Just moved here about 6 months ago and live in Chelsea (about
>15 miles from AA).

Where in Chelsea. Hubby and I pass through Chelsea everyday going to and from work. We live in Stockbridge, take 52north and you are there.

right in town just two blocks east of Main St. We moved here over the summer from Maryland, and bought an old house in Chelsea. My husband is originally from the Detroit area, and most of his family is still in the state. We drive through Stockbridge on our way to visit his aunt who lives in Williamston. And one of the kids in my daughter's preschool class lives in Stockbridge. So we are very close to each other!

We are very close. Maybe we can meet up sometime.

Speaking of meeting up, can anyone think of a central point and when/if we all want to meet up some where?

Not sure if Ann Arbor would be a good spot or not?

Hey all,

I'm open to meeting pretty much anywhere. Everywhere you go involves a drive anyway. Let's plan something very soon. Fitcat, we have to meet-I thought I was the sole Catheite in this area. So excited to know I'm not alone!


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