Any Jane Austen Fans out there?

>I adore Jane Austin. I've read all her books & I'll watch
>any movie version of them. Crap, if Tori Spelling were in it
>I'd still watch it..........just saw the most recent version
>of Sense & Sensibility w/that goofy chick from the X Files &
>still loved it......
>And the Bronte sisters & Edith Wharton too. How come no one
>writes like that anymore? Now colleges have entire courses on
>Stephen King & I'd be surprised if most students graduate
>having read even one Austen, Bronte or Wharton

Jane Austen is incomparable, nou doubt, but there are some fantastic contemporary woman writers out there. Three of my faves are Amy Tan, Annie Proux and Chitra Divakaruni. I find myself enjoying ethnic fiction more and more these days.


>Jane Austen is incomparable, nou doubt, but there are some
>fantastic contemporary woman writers out there. Three of my
>faves are Amy Tan, Annie Proux and Chitra Divakaruni. I find
>myself enjoying ethnic fiction more and more these days.

I suppose I should give contemporary novelists a chance. I loved Amy Tan's Joy Luck Club, but then never read anything else by her. I confess I never heard of Chitra Divakaruni, but I'm not a fan of Annie Proulx. Maybe it's because I didn't like the Shipping News--I picked that up and didn't like it at all so I never read anything else by her. One of my friends recommended a novel by Anita Shreve called The Pilot's Wife and I actually threw it in the trash--I thought it was that awful. This same friend loves Nicholas Sparks and reads every one of his books. Again, I picked up The Notebook and threw it in the trash. I felt like I was doing the world a favor by removing these copies from circulation-LOL!

I tend to read biographies more than anything else.

>>Jane Austen is incomparable, nou doubt, but there are some
>>fantastic contemporary woman writers out there. Three of my
>>faves are Amy Tan, Annie Proux and Chitra Divakaruni. I
>>myself enjoying ethnic fiction more and more these days.
>I suppose I should give contemporary novelists a chance. I
>loved Amy Tan's Joy Luck Club, but then never read anything
>else by her. I confess I never heard of Chitra Divakaruni, but
>I'm not a fan of Annie Proulx. Maybe it's because I didn't
>like the Shipping News--I picked that up and didn't like it at
>all so I never read anything else by her. One of my friends
>recommended a novel by Anita Shreve called The Pilot's Wife
>and I actually threw it in the trash--I thought it was that
>awful. This same friend loves Nicholas Sparks and reads every
>one of his books. Again, I picked up The Notebook and threw it
>in the trash. I felt like I was doing the world a favor by
>removing these copies from circulation-LOL!
>I tend to read biographies more than anything else.


LOL re: The Pilot's Wife.

I actually think that The Shipping News is AP's weakest novel. I would recommend Accordion Crimes and Postcards before The Shipping News.

I do agree that there are a ton of substandard novels out there. I blame it on Oprah's book club :p. It seemed to me that almost every book she recommended was about some dirty-toed, semi-literate Southern girl and her incest lovin', booze swillin', religion addled backwater daddy. I think that's why I turned to ethnic fiction.

Can you suggest any good bios of Susan B. Anthony? :)


> LOL re: The Pilot's Wife.
>I actually think that The Shipping News is AP's weakest novel.
> I would recommend Accordion Crimes and Postcards before The
>Shipping News.
>I do agree that there are a ton of substandard novels out
>there. I blame it on Oprah's book club :p. It seemed to me
>that almost every book she recommended was about some
>dirty-toed, semi-literate Southern girl and her incest lovin',
>booze swillin', religion addled backwater daddy. I think
>that's why I turned to ethnic fiction.
>Can you suggest any good bios of Susan B. Anthony? :)

Maybe I'll take a look at the other novels you mentioned. I suppose it's not fair of me to judge an author's entire body of work based on a samll part. I did think of 2 other books I enjoyed over the past 2 years--Ahabs Wife (the author's name escapes me at the moment), and The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd. I thoroughly enjoyed them, however, Ahabs wife is veeeeerrrrrry long and a bit tiresome in places. I didn't like the ending either, but it has many bright and shining passages and a good book overall.

I have never read a biography of Susan B. Anthony. I bet a good place to start though, would be checking the list of contributors to the documentary.

ETA ditto what you said about Oprah. :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 I view her recommendations as an indicator of what not to read.

>Michele, give Anne Tyler a try. "Ladder of Years" is an
>awesome book.

Thanks Marie. I looked at it on Amazon. I think I might like this one!

I also saw the movie and liked it, but as with most everyone else here I feel the BBC version is the best!

Love JA novels as well.

Marie--I agree, Colin Firth was a perfect Mr. Darcy (yum :9 )! Oh, and I think your idea of having Clive Owen play Heathcliff is brilliant (we could use an updated version of Wuthering Heights anyway!). Speaking of the Brontes, I forgot who was in it but there is a fairly new (within the last 10 years) version of Jane Eyre that was pretty decent.

I love, love, love Jane Austin! The dialogue is so smart. I'm also a huge fan of the BBC adaptation of P & P (have it on DVD) and would have a hard time not being too judgmental of any other version.

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