Any Jane Austen Fans out there?

Miss Lee

I went to see Pride and Prejudice over the weekend. It's really good. I still believe the BBC miniseries from 10 years ago is the definitive adaptation, but the film was the best it could possibly be given the time contstraints they had to work with. The director managed to pull out the most important parts of the novel, but you just can't get the same depth of character development in 2 hours that you can in 5. Anyway--it gets my 2 thumbs up and I'd recommend it to anyone who loves Jane Austen.


I'm a huge JA fan! I usually carry with me a battered paperback copy of Pride and Prejudice, just in case I get stuck in a line at the bank or the post office.

I haven't seen the new version but hope to get a chance to. I agree that the BBC miniseries is the gold standard. I can watch that again and again.


I adore Jane Austin. I've read all her books & I'll watch any movie version of them. Crap, if Tori Spelling were in it I'd still watch it..........just saw the most recent version of Sense & Sensibility w/that goofy chick from the X Files & still loved it......

And the Bronte sisters & Edith Wharton too. How come no one writes like that anymore? Now colleges have entire courses on Stephen King & I'd be surprised if most students graduate having read even one Austen, Bronte or Wharton book.............x(
I know--it's pathetic! I agree with you completely. When it comes to novels I tend to stick with the classics. The dribble that passes for good literature nowadays is appalling.

>Crap, if Tori Spelling were in it I'd still watch it..........

LOL!!! :eek: :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 But I know just what you mean.

I think it is pathetic too. Jane Eyre is without question my all time favourite book, and I reread it at least once a year. This book is definatly a MUST read!!!.

I can't wait to see the film pride and perjuice.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator, TAEBO and Turbo Jam junkie.
I love Jane Austen...I didn't see the BBC miniseries, but I did hear the new movie received wonderful reviews. I hope I can talk DH into taking might be a little bit difficult considering the nature of the movie. Hmmm....maybe, I can bribe him;-) .

Another Jane Austin fan here!! Thanks for letting us know about the movie, Michele. I'll put this on my "must see" list!

Yup, Jane Austen fan here. Pride & Prejudice is my favorite. Not too interested in movies based on the book though.
Laura and others, I agree. I have all those wonderful classics at home and I'm always suggesting to Nik she read them. She actually loves reading Dickens but it's hard for her to get past the language. I think it comes with age, but at least she'll pick them up and try to read them. They're reading "A Tale of Two Cities" for World History right now. I'm glad to see her high school teachers reaching into what I consider "classics" for material. I read "Little Women" long before I was in high school, and I read most of Dickens and I think all of Jane long before I graduated. They're wonderful, timeless books that still carry a message for today.

I saw it and at first just couldn't stand it because of my complete and utter adoration of the BBC series. Which I own on both VHS and DVD. LOL! Then it slowly grew on me. I was a little upset though, that they made Mr. Bingley sooooo goofy in the new one. He wasn't supposed to be stupid, he was just really really kind and accepting of everyone. I was a little upset with Mr. Collins too, I think the adaptation of a comical Mr. Collins for the BBC film was a nice addition but truth be told, this Mr. Collins fit the description in the actual book. One thing is for certain. I think the girl that played Jane did look a lot better than the BBC version, and so did Mr. Wyckham. One thing I couldn't understand was why Keira Knightley who played Lizzie, was laughing that much. Of course, she did laugh in both the book as well as the BBC production, but this one made her seem just as goofy as Bingley. But despite all of that, I still loved the movie. How could you dislike such a wonderful story![/img][/url]

I agree with your assessment of the movie, especially your critique of Mr. Bingley. Despite it's shortcomings, I have to say I liked it a lot--loved the score! It'd be hard to duplicate the quality of the miniseries in a 2 hour movie.

I read a review that was very critical of the casting of Keira Knightley in the role of Lizzie because of her physical beauty. Lizzie is not portrayed as beautiful in the book--Jane is the daughter described as beautiful.

I went and saw the P&P the day it came out!! We had to drive about 40 minutes to get there but we made it! I agree the BBC version is better but I enjoyed this one as well. Matthew M. is definitely not bad a-t'awll. I love Jane Austen...However I am not particularly fond of Northanger Abbey..but everything else I have read over and over and am about due to read them again.

I may not see the film because to my mind the BBC adptation with Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth IS Pride & Prejudice and it cannot be bettered. A film cannot possibly develop all the characters and include all the incidents that make up the historical period. I do not want to be disappointed.

I watch this BBC adaptation of P & P once a year, without fail. Then I make my way through all the Austen adaptations, with Emma Thomspon's screenplay for Sense & Sensibility next. I would like to see the BBC do an updated production of S & S. And Emma definitely needs one because the version with Kate Beckinsale as Emma can surely be improved upon. She is not a good actress. Nor is Gwyneth Paltrow suited to the role, though she played it in an inferior movie version.

Looooooove Jane Austen. Wish she'd had time to write even more!

To those of you who like the classics, don't forget Mrs. Gaskell, of whose novels the BBC has also done adaptations, and Wilkie Colins' The Moonstone. And even though I cannot stand to read Thomas hardy, some of the adaptations of his novels, namely The Mayor of Casterbridge, are excellent. Maybe your library has them?

I thought the movie & Kiera Knightley were terrific. Hopefully Hollywood will get the message & start producing some quality adult fare.

It's time to reread the book. Films usually pale in comparison to the book so I like to read or reread the book after seeing the film.

Clare, you're absolutely right. The BBC adaptation IS the best. If you see the movie I think you have to go into it knowing that it does not, CANNOT compare to the BBC version. You really have to judge it as a stand alone project. Read Christi's critique in a post above. She sums it up pretty well. The musical score is wonderful--I'd like to buy the CD.

DH and I stayed to read the credits and we noticed that Emma Thompson is thanked but they don't list her contribution. I wondered if she helped with the screenplay.

I love Emma Thompson and I thought her screenplay for Sense and Sensibility was the best.

I haven't read Wilke Collins, but I recently picked up Woman in White at the bookstore. Has anyone read it?

I just cannot imagine a Mr. Darcy any sexier than Colin Firth.

Clive Owens, maybe?? He would make an awesome Heathcliff, though....


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