Any interest in nutrition check-in??


I was just wondering if anyone has an interest in starting a weekly nutrition check-in where we could give comments and support to one another on sticking to our meal plans.
The weekly check-in we have now on this site has been so great in motivating us to stick to our workout plans, so I thought maybe a diet/nutrition check-in would be helpful too.

I don't know if this is something anyone else has interest in or even has time for, but I thought I'd just put it out there as an idea...any comments or suggestions are welcome.

P.S. If there is already a nutrition check-in on some other website anyone knows of, I'd be glad to hear about that too.

Thanks for any input,
Hey Lisa!

I think it's a great idea. I will wait to see if there is any response from others. I'm not sure that I will have the time to post my "nutrition" weekly as I seem to have trouble getting my workout post in on time. I'm lucky if I get that in by Tuesday or Wednesday. I feel like I have been doing fairly well as far as lowfat choices & lots of water, but seem to have trouble incorporating lots of fruits & veggies. Maybe if I knew I had to POST, it might help??? I do keep a journal and this is how I have noticed what is lacking in my diet. I'll wait & see what kind of response you get. Thanks for the idea. DebbieH

I might be interested in doing this. I have not been doing well on my own, no motivation, and maybe if I check in with someone it would help. We can wait to see what everyone else thinks.
Maybe it would help keep the cheat days down to one a week

instead of every day. LOL

Sounds like this would not be a bad idea but I wonder how Cathe and SNM would feel about it. I realize this is an "open discussion" but are their restrictions with respect to diet discussions? Maybe that is just on VF and I could very well be wrong.

Maybe they could jump in and indicate their position on such a check in.

I think it's a great idea!

Lisa, I think it would be great as long as everyone didn't post detailed menus for the entire week. That would really clog things up. But if we just posted how well we did in general and mentioned any sticking points we were having I think it would work.

I also think we should make an agreement not to start diet wars over the type of diet someone is following. For example, I cannot follow a low fat diet because of a condition that I have. I eat a fairly high percentage of healthy fats so most low fat diet advice doesn't work for me, but I have to watch calories.
This sounds like a good format

I agree that there should be no diet wars and that specific advice should only be offered if it is requested by someone posting...

Mostly, I think this would be a place to sort of sound off about what's working and what's not working in your eating plan. Some of us may also use it as a confessional (if we feel like we slipped up) and/or as a place to praise yourself (when we do well)

Also, I know that for me what often works is just knowing you are accountable to someone else at the end of the week may give you the gentle nudge in the right direction when making food choices...I know that ultimately we are responsible only to ourselves in making the right decision nutritionally but a support group format may make it seem like less of a battle and might even be fun...well, the eating part's fun anyway

So, if it's a go...when do you all want to start this??

I would like to do this.
i am a weight watcher drop-out. I'm bored with the plan. And I felt that I wasn't eating enough because I was always hungry.

My main problem is that i am a stress eater but i am really trying to fight it esp by keeping the trouble foods out of the house (anything with sugar).

I would like to see what works for others

Sounds Good To Me!


I'm a stress eater. I had two sets of finals because I'm registered on two campuses, so I have a problem with this. I've been going to school for two years and I've gained 5 lbs during each final. Luckily, I'm on semesters! I would prefer a simple format too, just challenges or victories, no complete meal plans. I'm wondering if a mid-week check-in such as Wednesday would be good. A lot of people on VF or Cathe post exercise check-ins on Sunday or Monday. A mid-week might support faltering resolutions made during the weekend.
When to start check-ins?

I like Helen_Z's idea about a mid-week check-in so we don't post at the same time as the exercise check-ins.

I guess we can start anytime, maybe this next Wednesday. What do you think?
I like the idea

The workout checkin has kept me regular with my workouts. I don't know if this one will help my eating habits any, but I'd love to try. I'll be posting if you decide to start one up.

Let's start it up!

Okay people, since I've gotten responses from a pretty good sized group here, I'll plan on starting the first official nutrition check-in this week...probably tomorrow (Tuesday) as this Wednesday may be a very hectic day at work...and all of you can chime in whenever you get a chance throughout the week.

I like the idea of a mid-week check-in so as not to interfere too much with the workout check-in.

We'll see how it goes and I hope this will be helpful to us all!

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