"Any guys out there?" 7-30



B&G Leg Blast premix 2day!!! 47 minutes of pure hell!!! :p:p:p

TG 2morrow is a rest day!!!

C U Friday!!!


Hi, I just popped in to say nice work! B&G leg blast is one of my favorite leg workouts. Enjoy your rest day :rolleyes:
Hey all-

I did a 1/2 hour step routine, followed by Gym Styles Back/Shoulders/Biceps. I think I'm coming down with a cold or something, I felt a bit off today. And then I miscalculated my weights on the Barbell Bicep curls, and couldn't figure out why I could only do 2/3rds of them. It was only after trying them, I realized I'd put 10 extra pounds on the bar.

Hi all
I did the 68 High Intensity Step cicuit premix from the 4D's.It was great fun.I went real heavy & did the push ups on the stability ball instead of doing the clock.I did have time to get the step out of the way.
Take care Chris

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