"any guys out there?" 7-16


Today I did a circuit workout.Strength, cardio abs - my own routine to rocking music.I went light as tomorrow is live bootcamp at the gym. See you guys later.

Hey guys-

I'm going out of town for the next three days, so I really went for it today. I had the two upper body Gym Styles left to do this week, and I got some cardio too. This morning I did GS Back/Shoulders/Bi, then this afternoon I did 30 minutes on the tredmill, and GS Chest/Tri. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to three days off now.

How many push ups did we do? I was on my knees for 1/2 of them.


Hey everyone! Ben, you're crazy :eek: ! You're a workout animal. But I can see why you went all out. Exercise is like a drug for me now. I get a little upset/cranky if I have to miss my dose of exercise LOL

I did HCE #3 (Imax 3 mixed with Kick Max). I forgot just how challenging that workout is! And since I did S&H Legs and Shoulders yesterday, my legs were on fire while doing HCE. Tomorrow will be S&H Chest and Back.


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