any good pilates tapes??????


Active Member
do any of you do pilates? it looks very interesting to do and i was actually very interested in winsor pilates but i'm not sure if the tapes are long enough to be effective

if you guys do pilates which tapes do you use and why

thank you in advance
Yes, I would really love to know too! I have read one person talking about Stott Pilates and that she is good, but very to the point. Are there any opinions on what is a good effective Pilates video? I have Breakthru Pilates, but it's just not advanced enough for me. I am just sterting to feel the burn and they move on.
Thanks for any suggestions!

Hello Joanna. Well the pilates video that got me started was Pilates for Dummies. I used it for about two weeks until I mastered good form and then I stopped using it cause I found it boring. It is a good instruction tape though. Then I bought Moira Stott tapes. Again great workouts, great instruction, but boooring. Then I tried Jennifer Kries' The Method tapes and I just kept Target Specifics. I still use that one every two weeks or so. It has pilates, ballet and ends with a yoga stretch. It is old, but one of her best. Recently I bought Winsor Pilates Buns and Thighs and I found I really enjoy Mari Winsor's instruction and workout format. This tape is really short, but you can really feel it in your buns and thighs. Because the workout is 18 mins long I manage to do it 3 times a week with my other workouts. I like Mari and I will buy Advanced Body Slimming (also 18-19 mins long) as soon as I can. The other Winsor tape I would like is Accelerated Body Slimming, but to get that one I would have to buy the Winsor Original Set and I don't want to spend $40 when I know I'm going to use just one tape of all those three. In your case I think buying that Original Set is a wise investment because it has an instructional tape and a begginer's tape that come with Accelerated Body Slimming. I think learning the basics from Mari would be excellent. Have fun making your choice.
Joanna and Kathy- I don't have alot of pilates tapes but I have to agree with Rose about Mari Winsor. I have the 3 pack original series and the buns and thighs tapes and she doesn't get boring like so many other instructors. I am pregnant right now, but after I have the baby, I plan on getting the Advanced body slimming DVD too. She has a whole series of videos that target specific areas, depending what your goals are. Hope this helps!
If anyone else knows of any good pilates tapes, please, do tell!
I've been doing matwork for several years & think Stott & Kriess's workouts are terrific. Voight's good too, but doesn't spend much time explaining details. These workouts are all about 40 minutes.

I've searched for some short workouts and made a few discoveries. I really like A.M./P.M. Pilates with Hessel and Caban. I don't like Caban's solo DVD but this 20 minute p.m. workout is good. Hessel's a.m. is even better. Both would be good intro's to matwork.

Kathy Smith has apparently been doing a lot of pilates & yoga. The ab work in Lift Weights to Lose Weight II is pilates inspired. There's a very good 20 minute ball section which I like more than Stott's ball workouts. Nice progression & Smith provides modifications.

I really like Smith's lower body pilates workout. It includes some pilates basics along with the side series. Another workout that one can use as a beginner & progress on to intermediate.

I'm finding the short workouts are something I can slip in nearly every day. I'm really only up for the longer workouts once or twice a week right now.

Why Pilates? Like yoga, I love how I feel after a session. Stretched & relaxed. The corework is awesome.

Do some careful shopping. On the VF forum, someone posted that Gaiam is repackaging & renaming some of their yoga & pilates videos. Which is fine if one doesn't already own the original version.

I have a few videos but have to say that STOTT Pilates Secret to Flat Abs was the one that made me realize that you could feel the difference with so little repetitions if your instructor is good. They say Moira is very dry and clinical, which is true. But she knows how to set you up and explain the move and you do get the sense that maybe there is something to Pilates. I am not fond of CRUNCH or Caban at all. I am thinking of getting Stott's Core Challenge.
Stott's core challenge

I have 1 & 2 of Stott's core challenge workouts. One is matwork, some moves are easier on the ball, while other moves are more challenging. Two is reformer moves on the ball. Lots of hamstring & glute work. The only reason I don't use them more is their 40 minute length. I believe the 3rd is advanced matwork.

Moira Stott does the core challenge workouts with a terrific instructor named BJ. Same detailed instruction, but BJ's voice is perfect for video instruction. They alternate demonstrating & instructing.

Stott is giving instructor workshops using the BOSU. I haven't seen any tapes yet. But now that I'm thinking about it, I bet Core Challenge 1 could be done on the BOSU instead of a ball.

Now that I remember I had one Ana Caban tape once. It was one of the Living Arts Pilates Matwork Series. It was very "MTV looking", very artsy, nice music, but the camera moved way too fast. They changed camera angles too quickly and I was starting with pilates and I couldn't get to grasp the movements so I stopped using it. I think I gave it away. I have three Moira Stott tapes. The second edition intermediate and advanced matwork and The Flexband Workout. I think they are good tapes, but I don't get excited when I pop those tapes in my VCR. I just do them on rare occasions and I dread doing them just because of the way Moira Stott teaches. I kept searching for that perfect pilates series for awhile. I also had one Karen Voight tape (Core Essentials Pilates) and I liked the workout a bit, but again it wasn't fun to do. I was skeptical about Mari Winsor just because of the infomercials as probably some people are. But she is my favorite pilates' instructor at the moment. She is fun and not dry at all. It feels like your friend is teaching you. Sometimes good instructors end up making infomercials. Baron Baptiste (my favorite yoga instructor on tape) has made some and he is still my favorite. So just do your research on that perfect tape and buy it. Pilates (like yoga) puts a great twist on any exercise regimen.
I just purchased On the Ball Pilates Workout by natural journeys and I'm pleasantly surprised. While I'm no advaced pilates exerciser, I was disappointed that the cover says its for beginners. I've taken a 1 hour pilates class every week at my gym for 3 months and I really enjoy this video using a stability ball. Maybe its a challenge b/c the live class uses a foam roller and ring and the stability ball used for the video adds a new twist. Anyway, check it out at
It is funny how one person's favorite is another person's video to be put on the trade list.:p

I was going to suggesst Karen Voight's Pilates DVD. I find her voice soothing and the music so relaxing. Her instructions are slow and precise and you follow along in a flowing manner.
I like Jennifer Kries in her Method videos as well.

I'm gathering information about Burr Leonard and her new concept called the Bar Method. Her website is I personally may try this when the DVD comes out next week or so. ???
If you want to try something really really challenging, try Janis Saffel Brand New Butt +Pilates. She uses a resistance band with the Pilates moves. If that isn't tough enough, get a heavier band or use tubing. WHOA! That is a workout. (She shows the moves without the band as well. This way you can get the core strengthened before you use the band.)
This is my spin on the Pilates tapes anyway. ;-) :9
>It is funny how one person's favorite is another person's
>video to be put on the trade list.:p

I know! That is why when people ask me for recommendations I say they have to try the videos themselves because one person loves one thing while the other loves another. I have found that one-on-one instruction is not for me. That is why I don't like Moira Stott and that Karen Voight's tape even though I think the workout themselves are good.

I'm going to preview that Janis Saffell tape. I just saw it's 60 mins long. I remember the original brand new butt. It was okay but not as tough as Cathe's lower body tapes. Maybe this one is the pilates tape we've been searching.
I have Moira Stott advanced matwork and when I do it, I really feel it the next day, but I find the tape to be so boring that I rarely do it even though I know it works. I also have Jennerfer Kreiss and she is alittle more interesting.
I guess I just find pilates boring, but maybe you wont.
While I agree Moira Stott can be a little dry, she is excellent at explaining form. Since I also find the tapes boring, after one or two times of review I just start doing the routine on my own and can run through the whole thing in 20 minutes or so. I also use Pilates in place of or in addition to my regular abs workout if my back is bothering me. I have all three of the essential matwork videos and like the intermediate one the best. Pilates really helps my back and flattens my abs!:)

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