Hello Joanna. Well the pilates video that got me started was Pilates for Dummies. I used it for about two weeks until I mastered good form and then I stopped using it cause I found it boring. It is a good instruction tape though. Then I bought Moira Stott tapes. Again great workouts, great instruction, but boooring. Then I tried Jennifer Kries' The Method tapes and I just kept Target Specifics. I still use that one every two weeks or so. It has pilates, ballet and ends with a yoga stretch. It is old, but one of her best. Recently I bought Winsor Pilates Buns and Thighs and I found I really enjoy Mari Winsor's instruction and workout format. This tape is really short, but you can really feel it in your buns and thighs. Because the workout is 18 mins long I manage to do it 3 times a week with my other workouts. I like Mari and I will buy Advanced Body Slimming (also 18-19 mins long) as soon as I can. The other Winsor tape I would like is Accelerated Body Slimming, but to get that one I would have to buy the Winsor Original Set and I don't want to spend $40 when I know I'm going to use just one tape of all those three. In your case I think buying that Original Set is a wise investment because it has an instructional tape and a begginer's tape that come with Accelerated Body Slimming. I think learning the basics from Mari would be excellent. Have fun making your choice.