Any Forty somethings wearing bikinis?

Ooooooooh, that's cute! Hey, I'm 42. I still wear a bikini. I figure I look better than some of the 20-somethings out there in bikinis, so why not? We work hard, right?:)
I think it's really cute. Buy it, wear it with confidence, and have a great time in Hawaii!

Shelley, I know you look HOT in a bikini!
LOVE that suit!!!!! When boy short bottoms work, they REALLY work! If you know you like this style, you'll look awesome in this suit, I'm sure!

I don't quite satisfy the age requirements here, but at 38, I'm a 100% bikini girl, and there is no end in sight, at least for the moment. Go for it - don't let a silly little thing like age get in your way if you want to get one.

I'm 44 (will be 45 in August) and am still wearing bikini's. I work hard so I can show off my figure.

The suit looks great!
Not forty something (26) but LOVE the bikini!!! I am sure you will look super hot in it! Wear it and enjoy your trip!!
Almost tempted to get it myself, but need more ab work HEHEHEHE!!!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo[/img] [/url]
I don't even wear shorts let alone a bikini! Only the right amount of money would get me to venture beyond a dressing room wearing one. My legs are a mess with my varicose veins and the resulting swelling.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
I am not 40 yet (34) but if my body is in bikini condition at 40, you can bet your bottom that I'll still be wearing one!!!
I'm 51 and I plan to wear one on vacation in July. Why not?

And, by the way, have you seen Diane Sue (WD) in a bikini???!!! Age should not determine the type of bathing suite, IMHO!
47 here and have never stopped wearing a Shelley said we work HARD!!!! And like Candi said Diane Sue looks incredible in a bikini!! Thanks Catherine for the link....I might even have to get one too...[/img]
just ordered it. I do need to lean out my abs some. Need to eat a little cleaner. But I've got a few months. Thanks all!!

They wear alot of butt floss in hawaii.
When i was there a 70 (at least) year old man had a thong but a string up his butt and a front pouch . Wish i would have had my camera. He strutted down the beach.
You will look great.
People walk around everywhere in suits and without on some beaches(not me).
Venus has awesome suits. You will love it.
You go girl. Show off what God gave you and what Cathe improved. You strut your stuff on that beach with confidence!!

I like the choice of the bikini, but to be honest, I don't care much for the halter top. It's nice, but not my thing. But hey, if you got assets to show off what's at the top and the bottom, power to you.
Cute suit, Catherine! You'll look great in it. I'm 44 and still wear a bikini. The main change in my physique these past couple of years is some saggy skin in the ab area but I think I still look fine.

I love the swimsuit. And of course I wear a bikini. Do you think I'm doing the chinup check-in, working on pushups, doing the Rock hard bottoms rotation, core, cardio, yada yada....and NOT wear one.:7
Melody, you are just a checkin ho LOL :7 :7 I probably should do the rock hard bottoms rotation. Need to work on my abs too. Got the verticle lines going on but no horiontal cuts. Of course if I'd actually do some ab work,.....

I'm 47 and not afraid to wear a bikini! I've got the flat tummy, but my thighs could improve. But heck, a one-piece shows the thighs as much as a 2-piece, so why not? Maybe my flat abs will keep the eyes on the upper half!


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