Any Cathe moves you once hated, and now enjoy??


At first, I used to hate anything that involved hopping or jumping, but I continued to do them as I soon discovered just how effective they are in getting the heart going.

I actually now enjoy the lateral ski hops from Drill Max, the tuck jumps, I'm still not so sure about, so I have to modify with a different move.

Same with jumping jacks, I once hated them, now I can tolerate them, again, because of their effectiveness.
I love any lateral movement, they just 'fit' in with my body mechanics, vertical stuff...not so much but they have definitely improved over the years.

I used to despise the 'hip rotations on the ball' in the ball abs section of Butts and Guts. I stuck with them and now I love them, could do them all day. They are awesome strength work for the fussy little muscles along my spine. I do all I can do to keep my low back strong because of an injury and this exercise has been an invaluable addition.

Take Care
Front Hammer Punch Lunges-

They were just so hard at first! It's amazing how fit you can think you are and then someone throws a new move at you and it's like, "oh. my. dear."
Straddle taps and fast feet repeaters. Took me forever to get those and hated them at first. Now I love them. As Catherine said in another thread, they make me feel like I am actually coordinated (which I am not.) :)

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