any Canucks got your DVDs yet?


Nancy S.
Hi there everyone. Anyone in Canada got their DVDs yet? I was pretty early buying the presale and am anxiously awaiting their arrival in my mailbox! :7
Hey girls

I ordered within the first couple of days of the pre-sale.
Not sure exactly was on holiday and pre-sale was on when I got back.

I live about 50 min. from the border here in Ontario, didn't get
mine yet. I'm hoping today is my lucky day, will post as soon as I
get the new work outs. SOOOOOOO excited}(

Big wave to Shelley down the road :)

Havent got mine yet, I ordered on the first day and by the sounds of it its going to be awhile. I live on Vancounver Island. And if you guys havent even gotten yours in Ontario mines going to take awhile. I can't wait!!!!!!! :):):)
Hey Michelle

I was born in Comox, my Dad, ex Air Force and Mom retired there.
Small world :) Hope you get DVD's soon take care.
Hello from Kingston Ontario:) Small world indeed Brigitte. I too was born in Comox (like our home girl Pamela Anderson:7) and am an 'air force brat'. We left in '66 though when I was just 4 years old (posted to Trenton, which I affectionately refer to as 'the Armpit'). My brother still lives in B.C., Comox has come along way since then.
Can't wait for the new workouts!

Take Care
Still waiting here in Edmonton, too, despite preordering really early <refraining from making comment about expediency of ordering through now-defunct CK Sales>.

Brigitte, I was born and raised near London, Ontario. Good memories.

Hi again Ladies

None for me , mail-lady came and went leaving me a news paper,
and no parcel card.

Hi Laurie,
We were posted to Baden Germany when I was 7 years old,
way back in '72. Went back to B.C in the early 90's for a visit,
there were still woods down the end of my parents road.(and bears)
All houses now and a school, their quiet road is no more.

Hi Sandra,
My Husband joined the R.C.R's in London and was posted to Germany
where I met him on my 2nd tour over there.

Thanks for making me laugh Shelly, took my mind off not getting
my DVD's yet.
Well yesterday was GS BSB, today maybe an Imax eeek! I must be nuts!

I was going to ask this same question. I have not received mine yet either. Another Torontonian here, anxiously waiting. Hopefully, before the weekend.

I will let you guys know as soon as I get mine.
very small world, I was born in Comox too, Dad ex-airforce....grew up in Germany (CFBs) and Edmonton and now I live in Ireland..........I went back to Comox last winter to see if our old family home was still standing...nope...but had a gorgeous wild salmon burger in Courtenay.....
Wow! What are the chances that 3 girls from Comox would end up Catheites as well :) When I lived there they were upgrading the sewers and drainage, I remember playing in those massive corrugated steel tubes (I doubt health and safety standards would allow that these days), I also remember HUGE slugs, green and brown at Miracle Beach. I envy you ladies having the German experience, my Dad did his tour before he married. Hope we all get our DVDs soon!

Take Care
I ordered from Jen @ Advanced She shipped the new workouts on 10/18/07 so I should receive them today or tomorrow.
Can't wait!
Thanks for bringing back to life many memories.:)
Miracle Beach, Air Force Beach, slugs (ha ha) they scared me!
They had Huge slugs in Germany too! Orange ones !!!! Uggg!
I still love Sun Showers, if it rains and the sun is out I tell
my husband thats a B.C. sun-shower.
Oh, going to the farmer down the road to get corn, getting a
horse ride, and begging Dad to let me take just one of those
kitty's in the box home!
Take care Brigitte:)

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