Any Butt Testimonies?



I'm curious and need to ask.

Since using weights with lunges and squats I have definetly noticed a big difference. Power Hour, Leaner Legs, S&H, & MIS have lifted and firmned my rear end! I feel muscles in the rear end when kneeling or bending. I am in the mid 40's and really pleased with the results! I did have some cellulite on the back of the legs and rear end. It is almost all gone! Not only from working out but a REALLY clean diet.
This may seem vain...but...I do catch myself looking at my rear in mirrors and thinking 'looking O.K.' Still have more work to do back there but overall I thrilled.

Wondering if anyone alse saw results!

Laura I had to laugh because I find myself doing the same thing :) At least 3x/week I'll turn myself round and round in the full length mirror in my daughter's room just to check out my "tush!" Before Cathe, I had so much cellulite on my rear end and thighs I thought there was no way it would ever go away, but like you, I am ALMOST cellulite free and my rear is looking pretty decent for a 38 yr old woman with some pounds to still shed. Strength training makes such a difference, I am living proof of it, and I will always be thankful for finding Cathe and her workouts and forum. :)
I would love to give a butt testimonial someday. At his moment I'm resting in between the standing and floor sections of the PS Strong Legs tape!

For motivational purposes, how many times a week and for how long are each of you doing the lunges and squats from the various tapes?

How many weeks/months did it take before you noticed you were nearly cellulite-free?

I know, we're all different and we're all starting from a different place but I'm sure others share my curiosity!
Hey Laura, I love this post. I always do the same thing, but its usually me flexing my biceps, it sounds so goofy, but I work sooo hard and just love to see those upper body muscles. I never had biceps or delts before so I am just so impressed with myself, even if nobody else is!! Now my butt, thats a different story, it was always my problem area, its so much better than before, but needs a lot more work, I took polaroid pics before I started Cathe and looked at them the other day, OMG so GROSS!! So I need more film to take new pics cus I know there must be a big improvement, Ill let ya know. But, GOOD FOR YOU and your great butt!!!Its not vain AT ALL, thats what killing yourself doing Cathe tapes is all about. BE PROUD!!!! JUdy
Hi Laura,
So glad to hear your great worked hard for it! MIS was my first Cathe tape & I can remember the day I suddenly realized...hey! I've got butt muscles! They're hard, & strong! I was absolutely blown away by it. Then I stopped working out for awhile...when I went back to it, I found that I still had the butt! It was probably not quite as good, but I was amazed at how little it had changed.
If we can't twirl around in front of the mirror or flex our biceps once in awhile, I'd like to know why not!
My biggest problem is the arms, so still working on that.
I can only speak for me, but the combo of Cathe's MIS and PS Series + cleaning up my diet tremendously helped reduce the appearance of cellulite in about 3 months. It gets better and better, but I had to really clean up my diet (fat intake) to see the visual disappearance of the cellulite. Some say that your total fat intake should not exceed 30% of your total daily calories, however, extremist that I am, I shoot for a daily intake of 20-25%, which I believe is one of the biggest factors in my cellulite reduction. I also train my lower body fairly heavy, and I train them 3x/week with weights and since the 1st of the year, 2x/week without (floor exercises). I usually do squats with 50-60# (but remember, I'm not puny, I weigh 210) and lunges with 40-50# depending on which weight video we're talking about. S&H is the 40#, where MIS or PS would be 50#. But I believe the cleaner you can get your diet, the better and faster your results.
Agree with Donna

Donna really said what it takes!. For me I try really hard to eat alot of salads (with fat free dressing) and vegetables (all kinds). For me this is clean eating. Also when I included running with everything else, the results even greater. All the cellulite is not gone, but close. I do beleive it is possible. About two years ago I really was free from it. Exercise & clean eating will get results.
I have a testimony ;O) I notice my butt muscle the other day, as I was walking, and happen to glance in the mirror. And as I was walking this big lump appeared, muscle of course <G> I said to myself, OMG. I have a butt ;o)

OH!! the last two weeks or so. I've been using a 2 by 4. when doing squats. And since using the 2 by 4, my butt seems to be getting higher, Not bad, If I have too say so myself.

I use MIS, PH, Leaner Legs, I have only done 1 week of S&H. I absolutely love MIS, I reach for all the time. Keep up the great work.

I am giving a semi-testimony. Let's just say my butt used to large curd cottage cheese and is now of the low-fat small curd variety. This is only after doing Cathe videos for a month! By Summer, I should be checking out my butt all of the time! (That's a good thing, right?)
Ok, you guys are speaking my language, I have declared this the "Year of the Butt" for me. I am determined to firm it up. I have MIS and plan to do either that tape, or my regular weight routine 2x a week. Does anyone have better advise on more times a week or a better tape?

I am 5'3" and 122 pounds, pear shaped, large thighs, small waist. Do long distance running and biking so I get in 4 days a week of cardio. My butt is just totally flabby and all the cardio I do over years and years doesn't help at all.
Yes, I also testify that my butt is covered with some sort of hideous freakish lumpy gelatinous substance that just won't go away no matter what I do. I yell at it, have threatened it with violence, have refused to let it go outside or have any friends, have tried to starve it and make it feel unwelcome by building the underlying muscle to a gorgeous shape in spite of it. But it is very loyal and has promised not to leave me until death do us part. My only consolation is my faith that after I die, it will sizzle and pop in the crematorium and finally be destroyed! MWAH! HAH! HAH! HAH!

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