Any advice on which Cathe videos to buy next?


New Member
I was hoping that some of you (with more experience than me) could help me with my choices for more Cathe videos. I have 5 of them, MIS, Powerhour, Step Heat & Step Max and I love 'em all. Also have Circuit Max, but I'm not at that level, yet. I just know I want more of Cathe's videos (imagine that!). I was thinking of the CTX series, but still can't decide after watching the video clips. Even though I know that all of her videos are considered advanced, are there some that are better suited for someone that is working their way up? I am 47 & work out 5-6 times per week. I do have to modify a little when it comes to impact, my knees are somewhat wimpy.
Does anyone have suggestions? I would be so very thankful if you do!
Hi Bandb,

If you can afford the extra $20 (for VHS) I think you'll get more bang for you buck from the Intensity Series. There's more variety with that series than CTX. Don't get me wrong, I love CTX but if you are looking for easy to modify & variety, Intensity is the way to go.

Have fun making your decission!
Additionally I think that the 10 10 10 10 or is it just three, anyway I reallylike that one it is part of the CTX series. It is still fairly advanced but I found it to be a little easier perhaps because of its length.
Body Max is a great total body strength plus cardio tape. It's longer(1.5 hrs) but you can break it up to do half one day then half the next. Cardio and Weights is alot of fun too. The choreography is very easy to get. Step Works is good one also! Decisions, decisions!!Susan
If you have a DVD player I would go with the Intensity DVD's because the premixes are awesome! I'm currently recovering from a back injury and I find the core work on the premixes to be just what I need for my rehab. I also love the CTX series. The cardio workouts are intense but because they're only a half hour I find them doable. Incidentally, I find step workouts easier on my knees than hi-lo. As mentioned before Body Max is another good one, but a word of warning, the stepping is very fast in this one!
IMAX 2 and the PYRAMIDS are so amazing...they are really really worth it. I love these to death.
My favorite video of Cathe's is Bodymax. It contains both a step and strength workout and is very complete. Just the right length.
I also love the Intensity series and have been using the Pyramids quite a bit.
Not an easy choice!

Thanks for the excellent suggestions here!
You have convinced me to go with the DVD's, and I have decided to start with the Intensity series and go from there. I hope this body is ready for it! There's only one way to find out.;-)
Thanks again!

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