Anti-Anxiety Meds that aren't sedating? Insomnia?


I am in a bad spot right now.

I am absolutely crawling out of my skin with anxiety. I lay in bed at night and feel like I am on Meth. Like I could get up and head out the door and run. Last night, I slept ONE HOUR. For the last several weeks I have experienced varying degrees of insomnia ranging from one hour of sleep to four. Usually I sleep 8 or more hours (if I can). Usually I only have trouble falling asleep but now, even when I do drift off, I wake right back up a few minutes later!! And there is no pattern...on day I will have caffeinated coffee at 6pm and fall right asleep with no probs and the next day I will be sure to drink decaf and can't sleep for the life of me, so go figure! I know everyone says don't just lay there and toss and turn, get up and do something until you get really sleepy, but I SWEAR, if I did that I would NEVER get tired! By the time I realize, crap, I can't sleep it is 2am and WAY too late to take good ol' Tylenol PM. Then I'd just drag all the next day. I sit there and try to calm myself down but my heart just races and my eyes just dart about the room. It is crazy! I don't feel like I am consciously worrying so much, but I guess the back of my brain is working overtime!! I know I likely have a lot to worry about I suppose. No matter how hard I try, I just can't quiet my mind right now. I feel like I am going crazy, actually.

I really think it is a huge exacerbation of my previously diagnosed GAD. I've been increasingly irritable, mind racing, keyed up, bowel probs, loss of appetite, etc...I do have huge stressful life events going on right now, so there is a likely cause.... Up till now, I have only been on a mood stabilizer. Tried many of the SSRI's and felt like a zombie walking. Great at night, BAD in the day. Plus my nighttime sleep never felt good quality on SSRI's. I think maybe I am going to need something else to take the edge off. I don't know why my pdoc won't try a "drug cocktail". Hmmm.

My p-doc really is frustrated and only gave me a scrip for Rozerem, but I think I need something for the anxiety, not the sleep prob.I haven't gone back to tell her how bad it has gotten yet. Hopefully we will try something new. I feel like I need something for the acute symptoms, to get my out of the next two months or so.

If you are on a depression/anxiety med, which is the least sedating? And I mean, least amt of DAYTIME drowsiness?

Any other suggestions for insomnia would be great too. I was going to try those MoonDrops from forever ago??????

Thanks guys.;(
I don't have any suggestions for dep/anxiety med, but my DH uses Ambien from time to time, with wonderful results.
Goodness! I am sorry that you are going through this - I have in the past and will try to remember what gets me through these periods in this email. I can relate, when I was sleep deprived from having a baby, at one point, I thought I was going crazy getting an hour of sleep per night.

First off, you have to remember that if you don't sleep, you will be alright! Human beings are very durable creatures. At some point, your body will shut down and get it.

I know you don't want an SSRI or some other anxiety med nad I cannot think of any you could try that are not addicting. Have you tried hypnosis? getting into a bedtime routine and using a relaxation tape? behavior modification therapy to combat your thoughts? understanding the underlying reasons for your anxieties? I would try all of these things along with some form of meds with the intention of gaining confidence that you can eventually do it w/o the meds, thus feeling alert during the day and well rested!

take care of yourself!

I had severe anxiety and panic attacks for many years in my late teens and early 20s, I didn't get diagnosed until I was 25. Anxiety /panic attacks were not on the radar for many MDs back then.

I ended up getting treated with homeopathic medicine, aside from exercising regularly, eating clean, etc. The homeopathic medicine had no side-effects.

The anti-anxiety meds that cause drowsiness at first, will probably make you less drowsy once you get used to them, especially if you take a very small dose. I hope you don't mind my saying so, but it sounds to me like you may want to look for another doc who can be more helpful.


I suffer from anxiety. My doc put me on Lexapro. But, I also am trying to overcome an eating disorder also. If you go to Lexapro's web site you can read up on it and how it helps with varying symptoms. It does not make me drowsy but sure has helped with my anxieties and I sleep great. Good Luck.
Hi, Janice, I feel for you! I'm not a doc in anyway, and I don't even play one on t.v. but after my 3rd child, I felt very, very anxious, heart raced, I thought I was going out of my mind. I was prescribed Xanax which worked wonderfully and a beta blocker for the high heart rate. I, too, was undergoing a lot of stress. My DH just had major brain surgery, and with a newborn and 2 other little ones (and I wasn't working either so you can guess our finanical situation) life just couldn't get any worse. I finally had some blood work drawn and discovered that I was hyperthyroid, something caused by the pregnancy. I had post-partum thyroiditis. If you haven't already done so, I would encourage getting this simple blood test. It may not be an issue or resolve anything, but if your thyroid is out of whack, it can cause a lot of problems.

I wish you the best of luck - hang in there!
You poor thing, I get anxiety attacks every now and then. The first time it happened I almost passed out and thought I was having a heart attack!!
In fact I went to a cardiologist and had all the tests done--all came back perfectly normal. He said it was stress...but when that heart starts racing you panic even more, it happens sometimes at night lying in bed, so I totally understand what you are talking about!

I started taking a product (herbal) called Relacore PM at night before bedtime. It really helps you, it has "sleepy herbs" in it that help to relax you. I love the stuff. I also have a few Xanax that I will break in half and take if I feel an attack coming on. It's horrible, find another doctor who understands these things.
Oh, and there is a regular Relacore that works to help you relax during the day, without causing drowsiness. It's worth a try?
You may want to invest (because it is not cheap) in seeing an certified naturapath.

Check out the amino acid Taurine. It is specific for anxiety and may help. Tyrosine works well for hypo-thyroid and depression, which often go hand in hand. You need to take B6 with some fruit juice with both in order to pass the brain blood barrier. Melatonin may aid in sleep.

It really is a good idea to see someone who is trained to help you. I wish you well and God speed.

Lexapro- had high hopes for that one, but it, like all the other SSRI's, made me a zombie. Total 180 degree opposite of what I normally am.

All the other suggestions I will try for the long term. The only reason I am looking for the "quick fix" is because I fear if I don't get a handle on it, atleast somewhat, now, I'll end up sabatoging myself as far as school goes. I am in my LAST semester and can't freak out now!! MUST-HOLD-IT-TOGETHER!!!

My p-doc just flat out refuses to give me a benzo..or the sleep meds that are potentially addicting. I don't know why, really. I guess I did tell her I have an addictive personality and that when I get stressed all I want to do is drink and smoke (two things I don't ever do anymore, lol). I guess I have a history of self destructive coping skills....and a family hx substance abuse. And, part of me agrees with her, I hate to resort to meds, of course, but sometimes it seems you are just so debilitated by the overwhelming anxiety itself, you know?

I filled the Rozerem script. Maybe gonna buy some Melatonin/Kava Kava/Valerian, although I think I tried melatonin once and it did not do a thing.
Funny that I say I took a muscle relaxant (my neck gets all tight when I can't sleep) and it didn't do a thing. Last week, I took a Vicodin for tooth pain and it didn't do a thing!! Drugs just don't seem to work much for me anymore...especially Alleve/Advil. And you know what?? I don't usually ever take anything but aspirins, so go figure!

The thyoid thing....well back forever ago when I was depressed I had them done and no prob. I haven't lost any weight so hyperthyroid would be a long shot. Although part of me wishes I had an excuse for it, lol

Thanks..I'll keep up my research! Might have to go to the doc this week...;-)
Obviously you should talk to your doctor about your anxiety. You should slow down on your sugar intake and caffeine, especially later in the day.

What I have found helpful is Kundalini yoga. The breathing and meditations really calm me and also helps with getting a good nights rest. I'm not into taking pills for anxiety (obviously your anxiety may be much more severe than mine), so I have been spending a lot more time (typically each night) doing some meditations and yoga even if it is only for 20 minutes. That has helped me a lot. Sleepy time tea helps as well, you can find teas for stress relief at your local Whole Foods store.
Hey there Janice. Wow I know what you're going through right now. I was diagnosed with GAD and PMDD last year. I had a wonderful doctor that put me on a combination of Celexa which I took once a day and Klonopin (this one was once or twice a week if I needed it to avoid dependency). I can't tell you about medications which are the least sedating though. Only an experienced doctor knows, and even so, people have different reactions to medications. My doctor gave me a list of natural remedies for insomnia: teas, valerian root, etc. but with the meds I was in it was plenty so I never did what she wrote on that list. What truly helped me was medication, diet, and exercise. To help me with my anxiety and to avoid gaining weight from my medications, my doctor told me to do at least 30 mins of cardio 5-6 days a week, but not too late at night. I was told to exercise in the mornings or in the afternoons as soon as I got home, but if I waited too late in the evening then instead of lowering my anxiety she said it would make it worse. Both conditions are under control right now and I'm not on medication anymore (I've been drug free since October 2006). Of course there are some bad days, but I'd say is once a month or once every couple of months, not daily like it was before. If you find your secret combination of medication, diet, and exercise like I did you will probably feel better in a couple of months (It was 8 months for me). Please you need to visit your doctor to tell her what is going on. I hope you feel better soon. I know it's h*ll when it gets like this, but it'll be fine if you go to your doctor as soon as possible. *hugs*
Doctors at the University of Michgan hospitals would not prescribe Klonopin for me for anxiety and panic attacks for longer than a 10 day spell. So, Janice, don't even bother to consider it as a long term option. Doctors are terrified about prescribing drugs proven to cause addiction in some patients.

There have to be medications out there that treat anxiety and which do not cause tremendous drowsiness. I do not know which they are, unfortunately. I am going to suggest that you hie down to a good book store and investigate their psychology collection, looking for books with chapters on pharmacology and all these drugs. Read up on them, compare their uses and side effect profile and then take this to your doctor. My own PCP has mentioned BUSPAR to me in the past. I have no idea about its side effect profile, however, I am sorry.

Best of luck and please keep us informed. I hope you can find something that will help alleviate your distress and allow you to get your life back. Don't we all want that?


Have you had a complete blood workup done? That panicky, crawly feeling made me think thyroid. You have nothing to lose by having your blood drawn. Good luck!
When I was taking Klonopin I got the lowest dosage and I was told to never use it two consecutive days. I took it right before I went to bed I would say on average once a week, but like I said only if I needed it. Insomnia medication did not work for me because my biggest problem was anxiety. When I went to bed my mind started racing and I thought about all those things that made anxious: the deadline at work, if my so was going to leave me, if my mom was going to die, etc. during the day I never thought about those things, just when I was going to bed. So when I had one of those nights I took Klonopin which made me feel relaxed so I fell asleep faster. I was extremely lucky to find a doctor which gave me an email address and cell phone number to keep lines of communication open. If I got sick with other things like the flu and was put on antibiotics I would call her and ask her what to take and what to expect. She also believes in alternative medicine (that's why she recommended teas and other natural remedies for insomnia) and the most important thing about her is that she believes that in most cases people shouldn't be using medication for long periods of time. I was very scared when she told me she was going to put me on meds (especially one like Klonopin), but she gave me a list of instructions and I followed them to the t. At that time she said that my brain was going through a chemical imbalance and that the medication was going to help my brain create new connections and after a couple of months of taking medication instead of getting an anxiety attack when x or y happened that my brain was going to find an alternative and I was going to be able to face whatever was causing my anxiety. I didn't understand what she meant at the time, but as months went by I needed less and less medication until I was drug free. The Klonopin I took once a week for a couple of months until I didn't need it anymore, but Celexa I took daily from Jan-Oct06. My GAD was out of control when I saw her, but this was after years and years of refusing to see a psychiatrist. I wish I could explain how things changed but I can't. I just saw the perfect doctor for me, which put me on the perfect combination of medications for me, and I changed my lifestyle in terms of diet and exercise (I never knew what eating clean was and I exercised 2-3 times a week at the most and I started eating better and exercising more frequently), I also stopped communicating with people that caused me anxiety, and started looking at things differently. Unfortunately, I can't say that what worked for me will work for Janice or anybody that suffers from GAD. I just know it worked for me. What I do know is that finding a good doctor is the key to conquering this.
I checked out my old journal and I came back to post that I was not taking Celexa daily from Jan-Oct06. I only took it daily for about 4-5 months and after that I only took it one week before that time of the month (for my PMDD).

I definitely believe that my brain reacts differently now to all the things that made me anxious before.

Again, Janice, hang in there, I hope you feel better soon.

Melatonin comes in several strengths. I don't know what strength you tried but I take 3mg and it works for me. It comes in 1, 3 and 5 mg doses.
You may want to check out the book, "Change your Brain, Change your Life" by Dr. Amen. It is a really a thorough book and he discusses persription meds and natural remedies. He covers the gamet and it is as interesting as it is informative.

Thanks everyone!

Candi...I did not know that. I will go look for the 5mg.

I slept a lot better the last two nights and feel much better. I also got a really high score on my test for school which made me feel A LOT more secure. In nursing school you need a 76% average on all your tests or you fail. I needed one good score to totally secure my passing and this one did. That is alot of stress gone. I just couldn't repeat this semester. No way.

I am less moody today. Sadly, my gradmother is likely going to die this week, we went and saw her yesterday, she wasn't doing well so we heard. When we walked in she looked exactly like my father right before he died...sagging mouth, O2 machine, emaciated...everything! God, it was so hard. Didn't think it would be that hard but I guess the wounds are still fresh. Anyway, I'll have to get thru that too. Hopefully I can. I didn't know my father's mother as well but still, it is stress.

I am going to keep on keepin' on and see what happens. For some reason, I think this problem is so much worse during PMS. I am seeing a patter now. Towards the end of my period I swear I couldn't feel better! I like to call it my "honeymoon stage". LOL. I feel so thin, my mind is clear, I don't cry about everything, etc. I will call my doc this week and explore options, even if it is just for the short term, as needed.

Thank you for all the suggestions. I will keep them in mind.;)

I did some websurfing on the 5 mg. Several sites say that anything over 3 mg is a waste. I guess the benefits peak out at 3 mg.

Don't ask me why they make a 5 mg!

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