Hi Linda-
Wow, that is great that we are due at the same time!!! This is my first, how about you?
I start classes on Aug 7th. Are you doing them now? Are they making you more or less comfortable with the whole labor/delivery thing?
In regard to your 3rd trimester headaches, my doctor has given the approval to Tylenol. If Tylenol helps you, you might want to see what your doctor says.
Thanks for writing, and I will look forward to chatting w/ you again.
This is also my first. I started my childbirth classes on July 12th. I had a choice between this one and one that started in August, and the hospital where I am taking my classes thought the earlier was one was better (more time to prepare). Overall I would have to say that the classes are making me more comfortable. Although they can't tell you exactly what it will be like, its helping to remove the fear of the unknown. It's also nice to be in there with the other moms, so you don't feel like your going through it by yourself. Kinda of makes me feel like "If they can do it, so can I"

As far as my headaches go, my doctor approved Tylenol Sinus for me. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Nice talking with you, keep me posted !

Congrats on your little girl !!!!

And you know - I could still end up over due :). Actually, i'm nervous about next week... that is when Anjali was born (36 wks). I have to get my project done at work (on target, so not a big deal). But last weekend, I was a whirlwind of activity - cleaning the 'nest' and finding all the baby stuff. I mostly needed to clean the room where she and I would sleep the first 1-2 mos, before joining the family bed!

>ready (we had to re-drywall)
>and it's not quite there
>yet and so I'm beginning
>to panic! I got

I understand!!!

>the cutest "going home" outfit
>from Baby Gap yesterday for
>$10!!!! It's the dip-dye
>outfit w/ matching hat!
>Too cute!

Awww - so sweet!!!!

You keep us posted as well!!! :)

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