
Hi ladies!! Hope everyone is doing well.

Erika, how was Wisconsin? Did you get to tell the parents?
Marisol, sorry you are having such a hard time? Is it getting easier?
Melanie, (your name is on our short list!) Glad to hear that your energy is on the return!
Tina, your email was actually crave fresh fruit AND have your own garden. Wow.
Alli, are you excited for your ultrasound tomorrow?
Sue, soon you'll find out the sex, huh? Exciting!
Lynn, still on top of your game?
Leela, are you doing actual yoga video tapes? Any recommendations?
Wendy,'s official!

Well, like magic...the morning sickness and exhaustion has lifted. It feels like the clouds have parted and the angels are singing. People promised it would happen and it really did. My energy is back, I'm eating healthier and managed five great workouts last week!

So, for those of you that feel a little icky...there is a light at the end of that tunnel!

I'm 14 weeks and have an appointment this afternoon to hear the heartbeat. I'm very excited, but a little nervous to see my weight. I hope it's only a few pounds...but I'm feeling much heavier than my last visit.

Let's hear how everyone out there is doing.
Hi Candori--
I am SO glad to hear that the first trimester blues are lifting for you! What are you craving for food now? Don't worry about your weight.. I found I would go one month and not gain anything, the next month 6 lbs.. It is rather unsettling to see the six lb gains at one time, but it should all balance out.
I am still doing great! I started experiencing my first Braxton Hicks contractions this week.. Freaky ,but neat.
Have fun at your doctor's appt. The first time you hear the heartbeat makes it all the more "real.".
Hey Ladies,
Hi Candori What an inspiration to hear how you are feeling,especially the 5 workouts which is where I am having trouble I guess I have something to look foward to.
I guess hearing how great you feel now is a great encouragement I am almost there.
I'm 11 weeks and still feel yucky I am trying to eat healthy and workout sometimes good most of the times bad but I'm not giving up.
So ladies until next week have a great week.
Oh yes, I'm very excited about the u/s tomorrow. I never worried about there not being a heartbeat before but with this one I am. I keep thinking maybe I know something subconciously (sp?) but then I remind myself I just know a whole lot more now.

I am so happy for you candori! I can't imagine how great it feels to have energy back and to actually be able to work out. Thanks for the reminder that this too shall pass.

I'll post tomorrow and let you know how the u/s went.

Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and.......

Littlest one due on February 24, 2002
Hi again...

I just had to check in to tell everyone that I heard my baby's heartbeat at my appointment yesterday. Whoa...what a miracle moment. I can't even describe the sheer joy. It took the doctor a little while to find it so there was a second or two of worry...but when she finally did...whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...a perfect and strong heartbeat. Completely amazing! I get chills just thinking about it. It makes it so real.

Oh, and even my weight was on target. Sweet relief and happiness!
RE: Hi again...

Candori - How exciting and it is a relief, isn't it!? After having my miscarriage, when I found out I was pregnant again, the doctor did an ultrasound right away just to make sure the baby was alive!

yes, I have my ultrasound this Saturday - we can't wait! I am getting very anxious for the end though. Sitting is uncomfortable, standing is uncomfortable....

I've still been managing to get about 3-4 very light workouts in a week, but with the heat lately I have been getting some really good water aerobic exercise in.

I don't know what we'll actually know on Saturday - it's at the hospital w/ a technician, so I don't know what they'll tell us - probably nothing! I'll have to see how soon I can call the doctor.

Good luck everyone!
Hello all!

I can't believe it, but I'm actually exercising this week! Yay! I did Leaner Legs & CTX shoulders on Sunday, the first 2 sections of Stepworks yesterday, and CTX back & biceps today. Tomorrow will be another cardio day, probably Circuit Max. Friday will be CTX chest & triceps. Saturday is my rest day. More good news...I've been eating healthier the past couple of weeks! Adios to the 1st trimester! :)

I just got back from my ultrasound today and saw the little peanut! It was so cool to see the heart beating! The tech. said I'm at 7 weeks 2 days and my due date is March 2. She also said everything looks great, which is a big relief to me!

On the downside, I have been feeling absolutely miserable these past few days! I'm now starting to throw up every morning (sorry so gross!) and feel terrible most of the day. I'm able to eat later in the day and hold it down. I haven't been working out consistently and it depresses the heck out of me! I feel like a totally out of shape blob, even though I've probably lost a couple of pounds because of the nausea. I pray this doesn't last much longer and I start to feel better!

Have a good week everyone!
Hello everyone!
Another week down. Candori-good news about the hearing your baby's heartbeat. It is amazing how strong it is for such a tiny being. Great to hear your feeling better. Marisol-hope you feel better soon. Hang in there. It hopefully will disappear soon. Lynn- The Braxton Hicks are starting! How far along are you? You must be getting closer to the big day!
Fit Mom- good luck with hearing the heartbeat. Sue- good luck with your ultrasound. They are exciting to watch. Melanie-Leaner Legs is quite an accomplishment. In my opinion that is Cathe's toughest leg workout. Thinking about it exhausts me right now. And Wendy-Not being able to keep anything down would be completely miserable. Have you tried anything like Ginger (only with a doctor's permission of course). It helps to settle my stomach when I am nauseated although it doesn't really help the heartburn.
Well, 13 weeks down. We were finally able to tell my side of the family about the baby but not my husband's yet. Hopefully on Thursday. It is my husband's busiest season and he has been out of town. My inlaws live an hour away which isn't that far but far enough that it will take up most of a day.
I'm hoping this fatique subsides soon. I feel like I am getting closer and I can't wait!
We heard the baby's heartbeat at 12 weeks. We were very excited. For someone so tiny it can sure do amazing things (including making one feel so miserable). However I remember with my first pregnancy how quickly you forget once it subsides.
Everyone have a great week. For those of you still feeling icky, I hope you start feeling better soon!
Ultrasound went great :D Heartbeat was at 167. Baby is right on target at 8weeks 3 days. I posted a picture at Not too much to see but I thought I'd post it anyway.

candori...I'm so glad you got to hear the heartbeat. I can't wait to hear the wooshing sound.

Seems everyone else is right on track as well. That's just great :)

Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and.......

Littlest one due on February 24, 2002

How exciting!! Thanks for sharing your great news with us all. Keep posting new pix as you get them. It will be fun to follow his/her growth! How fun.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Feeling pretty well. Kalina has dropped, so I can breathe and eat again !

I'm still not gaining much weight. My ultrasound 1.5 wks ago showed that she is on the small side (and probably won't even by 7 lbs at birth). No big surprise though. She is half indian (my half) and my sibs and I were all 'little' babies. Granted - this was the 50s and 60s.. but...

I have another ultrasound in 3 wks to mark growth, but that assumes i'll make it 3 more weeks ! I had Anjali at 36 wks, and mom had us all early, as did sis and her child.

Anyway - I'm doing the Method pregnancy yoga tape. Not much else (unless you count clambering around on a cedarworks playset as exercise - my 2.5 yo is relentless :) )

Congrats to everyone here!

Sue - want to start laying odds - will it be you or me? :) (Just kidding! Who needs the stress! I know what you meant about the miscarriage, by the way - I have had 7 ultrasounds so far. 3 of them because of my miscarriage... )

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-01 AT 11:45AM (Est)[/font][p]I am kind of checking in late, but it has been a busy week.

I just love reading everybody's posts. It reminds me so much of everything that I have already been through and Sue and Leela are filling me in on what I have to look forward to.

Lynn, I didn't realize that what I have been feeling is Braxton-Hicks also. Thanks for the insight. I definitely have the pregnancy brain syndrome going on here.

This hasn't been a good week for workouts for me. At 27 weeks, I can start to feel myself slowing down and this week my energy has been waning a bit. I also have noticed that I can't eat much at one time now, so I feel like I am eating all of the time.

Congrats to everybody that had ultrasounds and heard heart beats this week. How incredibly exciting. I am really suprised at how many women are having the very early ultrasounds. I had one with this preganancy, but I thought it was only because I had previously miscarried. That 8-week ultrasound was such a huge relief!

Have a great week ladies!

Hi Erika and Tina and everybody else..
Yup, those Braxton hicks are pretty weird, aren't they? .. its like a cramp w/out pain! I am at 30 weeks today, due Sept 29th.
For all of you battling morning sickness, have you tried drinking a can of "flat" coke? That seemed to help me. I don't normally drink sugared drinks, but it was like nectar of the gods on those mornings where the nausea was really bad!
Congrats to all the rest of you who are heating heartbeats and seeing your babies on the ultra sound. It just makes it so much more "real" doesn't it?

I had a lot of headaches in early pregnancy and my doc told me to drink a half of a Coke (or other caffeinated beverage). I don't usually drink soda otherwise, but it really did help with a lot of my headaches.

Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing the brain fuzziness and clumsiness that I am lately. I have been walking into walls and spilling my food (can't hide when I have eaten an ice cream bar, the chocolate on my shirt gives it away). Thank goodness I haven't fallen off of my step yet!!! My husband thinks that I am great comic relief. I am sure glad that I can laugh at myself.;-)

Have a great weekend!

Due 10/22/01
I too have been clumsy and airheady.... I spill everything on me. I think my belly is a magnet for crumbs and strains.. I dread the days I have to put on anything white.. "Shout" is a wonderful thing!!!!
Lynn (due 9/29/01)

I don't make a trip to Wal-Mart without buying Shout(literally). I am considering buying some stock in the company!

Due 10/22/01

I am new to this check-in, but when I saw your post I just had to join in. I am also 30 weeks and due September 30th. It was just really exciting to see someone with practically the same due date. I hope everything goes well for you in your final weeks. Have you started childbirth classes yet?

And to Tina, I also had alot of headaches in my first trimester, but my doctor did not recommend the Coke. Unfortunately, the headaches are back now in my third trimester, so I just might have to give that try, nothing else really seems to help.

Leela - I'm sure it'll be you!

You were so early with your first, and I was sooo late. I had my ultrasound this past weekend - it is a girl! And her measurements were right on for Aug. 31st! I cried! - you're going in the wrong direction! I have been feeling tons of braxton hicks contractions though. I know what you mean about your 2 1/2 year old - I am in the same boat and mine will not stop! It's funny, we're trying to get my older daughter's room ready (we had to re-drywall) and it's not quite there yet and so I'm beginning to panic! I got the cutest "going home" outfit from Baby Gap yesterday for $10!!!! It's the dip-dye outfit w/ matching hat! Too cute!

Good luck, keep us posted!

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