another weaning question

Michele S

I have a 2-year-old who is still nursing (yikes :eek: ) and I desparately want/need her to stop. It is only when she takes her p.m. nap and at bedtime, and maybe for 5-10 minutes tops, but it is really driving me crazy. She doesn't take a bottle or a pacifier, so I don't have that alternative, and if I try to put her down to sleep without nursing, she'll scream like a maniac! My husband is able to put her down if I am NOT home, but if she knows I'm here in hiding, watch out!

Any advice is greatly appreciated!
Just like with middle of the night weaning and sleeping, you just have to do it and tolerate the screaming. You KNOW she can go to sleep when you aren't there it is just a habit and attachment thing to mommy. Use the fact that when daddy's here alone you go to sleep no problem to try and reason(I know reasoning with a 2 year old is not possible) but you can try and talk to her. I did this method for during the night Ferber method of going in every 5, 10,15 minutes saying you'll be fine now go to sleep for 2 weeks and we blocked those 2 weeks from our memory because my oldest son screamed for 2 weeks solid. Mind you it did get better as the weeks went on. Finally he figured out he wasn't gonna get it anymore and went to sleep on his own. Your daughter will too, you have to be persistent. Keep in mind that you won't be tagging along to kindergarten for naptime(like they even have that anymore,LOL!!) so she can nurse.

Hope that helps some!!

Remember you are the PARENT!!!
I nursed our first three until they were between 18 and 20 months. The weaning process was gradual and at the end they would just nurse at naptime and bedtime, like yours. When I was ready to quit, I just let them scream it out. We had a couple of rough nights and then it was over. I know I sound like a meanie, but screaming won't kill her. She will be OK. Its just hard on the parents to listen to because it is either seriously annoying or heart wrenching! I know that that isn't great advice, but anyway that's what we did.

take care and keep us posted!
I'm sorry for responding to this so late, but I do have a suggestion. My first 4 children were eternal nursers and would not give it up, they were like 33 (one of them was 20 months) months old when they last nursed, but what I found when they got to the stage where I wanted no more of it, I told them "Mommy tastes yucky, you don't want to "eat" (that's what they called it)". I then proceeded to take raw garlic and rub it on my chest so it tasted terrible, it didn't hurt them - it's actually very good for them, but they would start to latch on and then taste it and give me a look like "yuck". And I would offer them a sippy cup instead and they very quickly got the idea that mom just didn't taste good anymore and this was not fun!!!!

Just a few thoughts

That's a great idea, I'll have to remember it. Reminds me of my husband's cousin, who put bandaids across her nipples and told her little one that she couldn't nurse because "mommy had owies". It worked for her.

take care,
Thanks, Briee

I actually had an idea like that, but wasn't quite sure what would work. The garlic sounds perfect! I was thinking more like Tabasco, but that may be my desparation taking over!

My son nursed until 22 months and one day, he just stopped. I was really hoping my daughter would do the same, but no luck. I keep telling her that baby's nurse, but she told me "I like it." I guess enough said!

Thanks again! I may give it a try over the weekend and I'll let you know how we make out!

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