Another substitution question for June rotation


This will be my very first time to follow one of Cathe's rotations! However, the only step DVD's I own are LM, Imax 2 and now Imax3. So, for MIC step only could I just do a premix of step only of one I have listed? I'm pretty sure these have that option. i've only done the straight work out on these (LM and Imax 2). Or should I just run on the treadmill?

Also, I don't have CTX series yet. Yeah, I don't know what I'm waiting for. Could I just use GS? This question may have been anwered in Haydee's post. I can check that out.

Thanks for any input. I'm sure I'll have more question as te rotation gets underway.

To sub for MIC, you could easily run on the treadmill for at least 30 mins, and try and add a few intervals along the way.

Yup, sub the GS for the CTX if that's all you have. they are not at all the same though. GS is heavy-moderate weights, slower counts, strength focussed, whereas CTX is high reps, lighter-moderate weights, endurance based. CTX is much quicker to get through all 5 upper body muscle groups, so to sub with GS will take longer.

Hi Dallas,

MIC is Cathe's, arguably, most challenging all cardio workout: 30 minutes of hi/lo followed by 30 minutes of intense stepping. The warm up and cool down add another 10 minutes to the workout, giving you a 70 min cardio workout, total.

To get a proper substitution with what you have, I suggest you do a warm up on the treadmill, 30 minute challenging run on the treadmill (even put in a few interval spurts in the last 15 minutes, if you can). Then hop off the treadmill and do either the second half of IMAX2, or one half of IMAX3. Do the IMAX cool down and stretch.

Thank you Clare and Sandra. So tomorrow i probably should allow at least 2 hours for a work out? The rotation calls for GS-back and chest and then MIC step only. I think a segment of Stretch Max. I'll have to jump over to the rotation board. I know today was a long one, but I also added a 20 minute run. I like having something to follow.

Thanks again.
Oh gosh, if it only calls for MIC step-only, then just do one half of an IMAX workout. Between the GS back&chest, 1/2 of IMAX, and a segment of Stretch Max, you will probably need almost 2 hours. Man, I wish I could join you all in this rotation this month - it looks like such a good one!! You will see great results, I'm sure!

Sandra's suggestion to do half an IMAX to sub for MIC step is a good one. Another intense half-hour cardio I can think of is the first half of KPC, if you have it. And yes, you can also run on the treadmill. I usually do a long run, jog, sprint interval on my rebounder. My knees can't stand the impact otherwise.

Yes, you can sub GS for CTX. GS is more into strength, while CTX is more of an endurance workout, but both are tough and worth your while. To make GS more like CTX, you can use lighter weights and fast forward through the rest periods. Hope this helps.

Thanks Sandra and Pinky. I do have KPC, so that's good I have a few options. Oh, I wish I had all of the DVDs...someday.

I do have ME maybe I could work that in somehow, since you're saying I need more of an endurance work out than strength.

Thanks for the input!

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