Another small victory :-)


This is kind of silly and I know most of you (probably all of you Cathe fans) have mastered this years ago but...

On Step Max during aerobic section number one, there is a part of the workout were we are doing turn steps and Cathe says to 'Quiet the feet'. Now, I've been doing this tape off and on for years, I've gone from doing this workout on a 4" step with no power moves to doing the workout on a 6" step will all of the power moves (except the richocets, those always gave me trouble), but the one part I just couldn't do was to 'Quiet my feet' on those turn steps. As soon as Cathe would give that cue, my legs would feel like lead and I'd swear I sounded like Godzilla's mama coming up the street. I could just see the terrified faces of my neighbors peaking out from behind drawn curtains wondering what the heck is that shaking the street. Well, it was your friendly neighbor DeeDee, until today that is! I didn't even notice that I wasn't pounding my step until the exerciser behind Cathe (Maria I think) put her fingers to her lips and 'shushed' me. I realized that hey, I was actually quiet.

I know, I know a small victory, but dang it's about time.:)

Hey DeeDee,

I know exactly how you feel. Everytime I "get" a step that I either avoided because I couldn't do it/figure it out the 1st few times, or was too intense for me initially, I do a "yyyaaayyyy/clapping" thing during the middle of the routine! You should have seen me "high 5-ing" myself when I FINALLY got the "double riccochet" for the 1st time! Hey, we gotta take our victories when and where we can get them! :)
Congrats on yours!
>Hey DeeDee, >
Hey, we gotta
>take our victories when and
>where we can get them!
>Congrats on yours!

Hello Donna,

You are so right about taking those victories when they come. I stopped playing head games with myself a couple of years ago, if I can't do a combo or I just have trouble with it, I'll laugh it off and go 'Next time!:)'. I used to simply put the tape away and forget that I had it...imagine the money I was wasting :-(

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