Another question about the new series

I am so excited for the new series. I'm just a bit concerned about the slide disks, and I have some questions. I have a really stupid condition called dystonia which causes a muscle in my calf to cramp and it causes my foot to turn in. I'm a fairly advanced exerciser, and I can compensate for it for the most part,but it does thow my balance off. In fact, my balance is crap and there is no way of making it better which is extremely frustrating. I get so mad when I cant do something because i have no balance. So slide disks ususally require a lot of balance in your other DVDs, so will this still be the case with these DVDs? I'm going to be so upset if I get the series and I cant do any of it because it requires a ton of balance.

Last question about the slide discs, are we going to need special ones, or are the hard plastic ones that i have going to work? The ones that it looks like you use are clothe, do they slide on a rubber floor?

Thank you,
Hi Shannon! I know Cathe is super busy so I'll try to help! Do you think possibly your balance would improve by doing the disc moves? I know you don't know what moves are involved yet but I was just thinking maybe it will help your condition??? Even if it takes tons of practice. Just an idea.

Also, when you pre-order the Low Impact Series, you get the gliding discs for free! How cool is that? The cloth that is over the discs can be removed. So depending on the type of flooring everyone has, you can either leave it on or take it off. Do your hard plastic ones work on the rubber flooring okay? If so, you would just remove the cloth cover. Hope this helps!

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