Another Pyramid workout with a slight change


I just love your Pyramid upper and Lower body DVD. Its by far your BEST weight workout. I would love it if you would make another but this time superset 2 different muscle groups and still use the pyramid system. This would be great while one muscle is working the other is resting.

For example 12 reps chest press then quickly move to 12 reps overhead tricep press. Again, you would use the pyramid system starting with light then moving to medium weight and then the last 8 reps would be with heavy.
With the Lower body, you could superset lower body work(lunges,plies, leg press, squats), with back work or butt work.

I also love your ab work on the stability ball. Especially the side oblique work in Core Max and Superset where you lie sideways on the ball. I've gotten amazing results with this exercise.

Keep up the great work and thankyou so much for letting us make our requests for your future videos/dvds.

Wow, what an amazing idea! I definitely second this suggestion! Two of my favorite ways to train all in one...these workouts could be a super set of push/pull exercises (ex. chest/back, bi's/tri's) done in pyramid weights format with the heaviest weight set being SLOW AND HEAVY! i might literally keel over if this workout actually existed...but would be delighted to workout to it. Wow, what a way to break through a plateau! I would love to see this in the future, please consider this, fabulous way to challenge the advanced crowd IMO.

PUB is MY FAVORITE UPPER BODY WORKOUT SO FAR!! I do this workout at least once a week in one way shape or form, sometimes only PUB upper only premix, but I always do it - it has given me endurance and strength gains all in one workout - I would love to see the above!!! Only you could design one like this!
Love this idea! I love the pyramids, but supersetting two exercises would allow us to go heavier while getting recovery for the first muscle group and being very time efficient.
Yes, I was thinking the same thing and you if you want to add a real challenge you could also do giant set pyramiding. Or superset different body parts (chest press and then superset with a pullover for the back)(hammer curl supersetted with tricep kickback). Another idea would be to make a beginner/intermediate pyramid video. What do you think???}(
>superset different body parts (chest press and then superset
>with a pullover for the back)(hammer curl supersetted with
>tricep kickback).

Yes, that's what I meant (and should have been clear about, but wasn't!).
I love this idea too! I reach for the Pyramids again and again. They're so effective, plus I two-day splits seem to work best in my schedule.
I had another thought what about using the principle in "Slow and Heavy" (meaning the slower count),supersetting and or giantsetting and doing the full pyramid. Now, that is my kind of workout! What do you guys think? I would be interested to hear what Cathe thought of this as well. }(

I like your idea of doing a Slow and Heavy in a superset and/or giant set and Pyramid fashion. Definitely would buy this one!

Please think about it, Cathe???

>I like your idea of doing a Slow and Heavy in a superset
>and/or giant set and Pyramid fashion. Definitely would buy
>this one!
>Please think about it, Cathe???
I know I can only imagine the burn.:D

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