Another PS Question


Active Member
Hi everyone,

Can you tell I just started this rotation??

I asked the floorwork question a few days ago and got such a great response!

Here goes...tonight I did PS BBA. I have a 4' barbell (Firm) and while I was trying to do the T Bar Rows I didn't feel like I had a long enough range of motion. Does Cathe have a 5' bar in this tape? It seemed like I couldn't pull the bar back enough, if that makes sense! I am only 5'1" if that makes a difference.

My other question is: while doing the hammer curls (8#) I could initially feel the contraction (burning) in the inside of my elbow. But the concentration curls I could feel in the bicep.

Any suggestions? I do have 6#s also if you are going to tell me to lighten the weights...

Thanks in advance, sorry for so many questions!
Back up to the top!

I know with the release of the new tapes (which I am actually previewing Cardio Kicks as I type!! It looks AWESOME!!!!!!), I know it will be a while before anyone gets to read my message. But I can always hope...

Hi Jessie!

Many people have had this problem. It may help to just do a substitute exercise all together. What I suggest is a underhand grip barbell row. Tilt your body forward at a 45 degree angle and then do rows with the barbell. Do 2 sets with an under hand close grip(arms close to the sides)and two sets with an overhand close grip. As an added exercise, you can also do 2 sets with an overhand wider grip. Your sets can be 10 to 12 reps each.

For hammer curls, you can try changing the angle of your weights to take some of the discomfort away. For instance, try turning the top end of your weights in toward one another as you lift and lower(visual cue: at the top of the curl your hand weights will make the shape of an upside down V). If it still doesn't help, then take a longer break just before you begin hammer curls and/or take a longer break PLUS use a lighter weight.

Good Luck!

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