Another problem-shoulder pops and pain during workout


in the warm up of cardio kicks my left shoulder pops but stops later on after warmup. is any thing wrong or is this normal?

also,during the workout i get cramps on my right side and have to stop for a minute. is it not enough water before the workout, not enough or too much eating, or drinking alot during the workout?
maybe its drinking too much water and not eating enough befor the workout? or not related.
The cramps could be a result of using muscles that you haven't used much, or are using for the first time. The shoulder problem sounds a bit more worrying. I had a bad shoulder several years ago and was sucessfully treated by a chiropractor. I've just started having shoulder problems again even though I'm careful to stand properly and don't hunch my shoulders. I have an appointment with my Chiropractor on Thursday and will make sure that she takes a look at it because the last time I had a shoulder problem, I left it untreated for so long and suffered with awful pain and restricted movement. Please don't do the same thing I did years ago and get it checked out by your Doctor/Chiropractor or other qualified therapist asap.
- Lisa :)
you are probably right about the cramps because i do alot of twisting in her videos with kickbox included. it is anoying that my shoulder pops during the warmup! i did have a really really really bad spasom once that started on my left side and went up my left shoulder which is where it pops.
thanks for your help
Do you mean that your shoulder makes a popping noise or that it actually pops out of the socket? I only ask because I'm double jointed and my shoulder tends to pop out of the socket during some moves. I've found that if I tense up all my shoulder muscles while doing those moves that it doesn't dislocate as easily. And, yes, it is VERY painful when it does...
my shoulder just makes a popping noise when i try to does help a little if i tense the muscle but i do not think that i am double jointed.

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