Another presale question about the balls


Active Member
Before I order all 3 intensity DVDs + the Terminator, please clarify this in the descriptions: Are the balls (medicine, stability) optional??? I mean, do you plan to show/mention alternative moves for us who love your workouts, but certainly have NO plans of buying more fitness equipment? I don't want to buy balls.

Another important thing about "repeat x times for a xx minute workout". Are we supposed to do the exact same thing like 8 times in a row to get an hour long workout, or is it just 8 (or x) segments with the same format, but with different moves?

Please clarify!

Thanks in advance :)
Repeating Clarified

I don't know about the balls, but I did email Chris and ask about the repeating things XXX time and he verified that it's XXX DIFFERENT sections, not the same thing repeated over and over again XXX times.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-15-02 AT 03:39PM (Est)[/font][p]I am also interested in knowing how the medicine ball will be utilized. I have read that there are people concerned about not having a ball and their desire to NOT have to buy one.

Curious about the balls too / step topper?

Yikes! I don't have a stability ball, medicine ball, tall box, or ankle weights. I'm sure many people do have all those things though, and if I did, I'd want the variety. If someone makes one of those mini step toppers, I'll buy that! :) If possible, I don't want to buy the balls.
I know there's no way to make everyone happy though.
RE: Curious about the balls too / step topper?

I just found 11 (yes eleven!) full size step tops at a rummage sale a few weeks ago and plan to make mini-toppers with them. I made one for myself about a year ago and just love it. I thought there might be some out there without access to make them, so one of these days, I'll set aside the time to make some more. I'll let you know when I put them on e-bay if you'd like. -- Renee
RE: Curious about the balls too / step topper?

I just found 11 (yes eleven!) full size step tops at a rummage sale a few weeks ago and plan to make mini-toppers with them. I made one for myself about a year ago and just love it. I thought there might be some out there without access to make them, so one of these days, I'll set aside the time to make some more. I'll let you know when I put them on e-bay if you'd like. -- Renee
RE: Curious about the balls too / step topper?

Hi Cathe,

These new workouts sound wonderful but I am also wondering whether someone will be showing mdifications without balls.

I would rather spend the money on the DVD's rather than purchasing more equipment.

RE: Curious about the balls too / step topper?

Hi Cathe,

These new workouts sound wonderful but I am also wondering whether someone will be showing mdifications without balls.

I would rather spend the money on the DVD's rather than purchasing more equipment.

RE: Another ?

I was wondering if "The Terminator" DVD has a warm-up and cooldown on it. I hope so. These new workouts have me so excited!!!!!
Hi Sidse! Yes, for the ball workouts with abs there will be somebody doing the workout with no ball. For the floorwork section of the lower body workout, you can substitute with five pound ankle weights. For any of the "repeat x times for a xx minute workouts" there will always be new footage, not a repeat of the same cycle over and over again......that would drive me insane too;-)!
RE: Curious about the balls too / step topper?

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-16-02 AT 11:15PM (Est)[/font][p]What is a mini-topper?

RE: Curious about the balls too / step topper?

What is a mini-topper?


I just found 11 (yes eleven!)
>full size step tops at
>a rummage sale a few
>weeks ago and plan to
>make mini-toppers with them.
>I made one for myself
>about a year ago and
>just love it. I
>thought there might be some
>out there without access to
>make them, so one of
>these days, I'll set aside
>the time to make some
>more. I'll let you
>know when I put them
>on e-bay if you'd like.
> -- Renee

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