Another Post About Bootcamp


I know you guys are probably sick of me posting about Bootcamp, but it just continues to amaze me how regularly sticking it into your rotations makes it a billion times easier in such a short time. This is my fourth week of doing it once a week after about a 6-wk break from it, and, I swear, it was, relatively speaking, easy! (Except for those darn ice breakers at the end! What is it with those?)

Per A-Jock's suggestion, I've also been incrementally adding BC cardio intervals to one cardio workout a week. (Tomorrow will be my third time and I'll be adding on 4 or 5 to KPC, depending on how I feel). Maybe one of these days, I'll be strong (insane?) enough to try one of A-Jock's evil mish-moshes!
Hello, Sooooooooooooosan (which appears to still be your real name, not to split infinitives or anything like that) . . .

Don't mean to scare you or anything, but doing Boot Camp consistently causes a type of insanity called PowerMania. You get so darned powerful through the legs and cardiovascular system that you develop a craving for more and more and more challenge. And then, before you know it, you're sequential-power-kicking the idiot door-to-door salesman, you're squat-thrust-climbing your way up the stairs, you're ice-breaking in the grocery store, and you're sumo-squatting all over DH. Then you get pregnant again. Scary.

Am submitting another article to Squirrel Fitness on Boot Camp adaptations for four-legged exercisers. Sequential power kicks rebounding off the tail. Exciting.

I actually HAVE found myself kickboxing in public places of late. Hmmmmm....

Rocky will be thrilled about your article! He posted to Cathe about having a background squirrel modify some of her moves in the upcoming advanced DVD but she didn't respond. We were both a little upset because we thought this was a nondiscriminatory forum...}(
Ajock I just had to picture everything you just said happend to a person when doing too much Bootcamp and I was laughing hysterically! That was just too funny. I guess I do have a favorite female comedianne, you!
Soosan, keep up the great work. I've never gottne Bootcamp, but I plan on it one of these days, and you are just making that day very soon the more you post about it! I want to be doing squat thrusts up the stairs too! Ha, ha!

Rocky's gotta stop being so sensitive. Cathe makes it a point never to respond to ANY requests for specific background exersquirrelers.
Plus, squirrels were removed from the list of protected rodent classes back in 2002, as were chipmunks. If he's thinking about filing a class-action suit for discrimination he won't have a paw to stand on.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooosan . . .

The only thing Rocky really has to fight for now is the right for squirrels and chipmunks to legally marry. Or civilly unite. Or squirrelly conjugate. Or whatever the jargon is.

I hear Shrub is working on a constitutional amendment banning intra-rodential unions of any kind. Rocky's got bigger battles to fight than the Cathe forums.

Susan. Your previous BC posts inspired me to put it back into everyday life and I'm starting to feel the BC addiction. I hated BC and most cardio in general, but due to this last bit of prego fat I needed to blast it off in some form or I became desperate and actually started doing IT.

NOW....I'm doing it like every 4 days at least, sometimes without the weight work, just the cardios and core work and I like to add the Hi/Lo from SJP at the end. I'm currently in DVD heaven as you can just click and keep jumping. AND IT'S FUN. I NEVER thought I'd be saying that.

SO...THANKS SUSAN!! A few more plyos and I'll rejoin you as an ecto again. (I will NOT be doing sumos with DH any time in the near future }( }( }( !!!!!!!!!!!).

What's with the squirrel stuff???? I saved a thirteen stripe ground squirrel years back from "death by teenage boys" and fed him with an eye dropper for weeks and he became my buddy for life. He traveled with me to 4 states on vacation and slept at my feet in bed, but he was not into weights....of course I wasn't into exercise then either. Was I depriving him????? I almost feel guilty now. ;( ;( ;( ;(

Hi Briee! I'm so glad you were inspired to do BC more! Kicks the old fitness level up a notch, doesn't it?

About the squirrels... A couple of months ago, someone posted something about fitness magazines, and in her usual blunt way, A-Jock responded that she doesn't pay much attention to popular fitness magazines such as Men's Fitness, Women's Fitness, Squirrel's Fitness, etc. When I read her post, I cracked up and responded that she should be careful when criticizing forum members' favorite magazines, that my pet squirrel Rocky and I were long-time subscribers to "Squirrel Fitness," and I was very offended. Let's see if I can find the post...

See if this works:

Anyway, it turns out she's an expert on rodent fitness, writes under a pseudonym for "SF" and has given me unerring advice in caring for my exercize-crazed pet squirrel. :)

When she reads how you saved that poor squirrel's life, I'm sure tears of sympathy and gladness will well up in her eyes. do you REALLY have a pet squirrel Rocky?? If've got to tell me about your squirrel, details please. Buckingham was such a sweetheart & cuddler. We had a hamster cage that we left open for him to come and go as he pleased in my bedroom, but he NEVER ran on the wheel. He loved to sit in the open screen window and look outside. Maybe had I bought him a subscription to squirrel fitness his interest in his wheel may have increased, although he probably would have been asking for things like hydroxycut, nitrotech, or locarb protein bars?? Squirrel ownership could have become very pricey :p :p :p . We choose to spend our money on squirrel vacations, his favorite being the Indiana Dunes which he climbed clear to the top with me, never venturing more than a few feet from my side. :) :) :)

Yes, I do, Briee. He exercises to Cathe videos and is very competetive, I might add. Yesterday, I managed to add all eight intervals of BC to KPC (I hope you put extra polish on your head, A-Jock, because it should be gleaming with pride at that feat! I might be attempting one of your mish-moshes sooner than I thought.). When I told Rocky, he shrugged, then climbed our huge oak tree and did about two hundred speed skaters back and forth from one tree top to another. Needless to say, he's tough to keep up with!

(I know you know I REALLY don't have a pet squirrel but I just thought I'd make sure:) .)
>(I know you know I REALLY don't have a pet squirrel but I just
>thought I'd make sure:) .)

I'm so disappointed. Since my hounds wrestled with a slow, black & white "squirrel" last Friday, I'm pretty sure my next pet will live in water or get all of the exercise it needs from a round treadmill. I'd be happy to place its cage in front of a tv & start its favorite Cathe DVD. Meanwhile, the whole house fan is getting a lot of use.

What do ya mean ya don't really have a pet squirrel, Buckingham was very real, he bit my mom once and it was real blood (he only liked me - silly squirrel).

"Squirrel fitness" is REAL right?? ;) ;) ;) ;)


ps AJ would not have liked buckingham....he was a staunch conservative. }( }( }( }( But he didn't lack intensity!!!
Susan, almost forgot to add.....Holy cow.....all 8 BC intervals to KPC....if you keep that up you are going to go bald :) :) :) (or maybe develop some incredible bicep veins!!!).

I'm majorly impressed. I did boot camp this morning....boot camp nothing more, nothing less.

The birth of a new mish-mosh:

Hi/Lo HellO }( :

C-Max warm-up thru prestretch
Step Pump Jump hi/lo add-on premix (no resistance segments)
MIC hi-impact segment (begins 19:00 into hi/lo segment)
10-10-10 hi/lo segment
Boot Camp cardio only


Okay this birth is much worse than mine was!!}( }( }( }(

That's one incredible mish mosh. Can I ask...when you do the BC only cardio do you go from one right into the next no break in between?

How many times per week do you do a cardio session like this?? Would you do your weight work post Hi/Lo HellO?

Hey, Briee -

I'm proud to say the only break I need to take is between the 5th and 6th intervals on BC cardio only, specifically between the squat-thrust-torturers and the seqential power heart-attacks. And the time I need between those two seems to be shortening up each week just a tad.

I do that cardio intensity level and duration (about an hour) once a week on Sundays, and then do about 2 hours of lower body, core and upper body stuff after that. And yes, I'll do that after Hi/Lo HellO this coming Sunday. I find a good tub-thumping cardio session gets me all fired up for some b*lls-to-the-wall strength work. I like to alternate between a blast-off hi/lo cardio session and my newly revised I-Max Enhanced session:

I-Max 1 with extended intervals and recovery segments deleted; then
Boot Camp cardio only (of course)

Am planning on trying a variation of that I-Max thingie with I-Max 2 blasts ONLY (no recoveries) afterward instead of BC cardio only.

Have fun!

Well, I'M majorly impressed that you even do a workout like Boot Camp when you just had a baby. As I told you before, I didn't even work out when my children were under a year because so many sleepless nights combined with nursing every minute wiped me out! I just listened to my body becaue I knew I'd get back to it when I felt I could. I really admire your dedication!

In answer to your question to A-Jock about whether the BC cardio premix gives you breaks between intervals, it gives you about 5 seconds or so between the intervals when the screen card tells you what interval is coming up. What's doable about this premix for me is that 1) my legs aren't already fatigued from the weight work (which fatigues me more than cardio), 2) after each interval, I'm anticipating the second cardio portion (e.g., roundhouse kicks after the terminators or front/side kicks after the sequential power kicks) but she leaves out that part, so you're pleasantly surprised, and 3) I'm already on a roll from the previous cardio.

Believe me, I am no cardio bunny and I'm not an athletic sort. I'm just very consistent -- I try to work up slowly to new challenges and keep at them. As for A-Jock's mish-moshes, I'm going to start with one of her "easier" ones. That is, after my body adapts to adding the BC intervals.:)

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