Another funny story


Another one about men,my man.:)
Last night after I got home I was trying to find something to eat.I think I may have been sitting on the kitchen floor, looking in the cupboards.My husband was sitting to the kitchen table and he says,"see if you can do a full push up".
I said"what do you mean a full push up".With alot of disgust in my voice."of course I can do a full pushup"
He said" no not the female ones, where you are on your knees"
Me" I always do full push ups"
Him" well, do one here"
Me" I did 32 full body push ups today with my work out.Do you think I spend that much time in the aerobics room and not advancing?"
Him" but I need to check out your form to b/c your form is probably not right"
This from a man whose work out is lifting a case of beer to his truck.
So I put my feet to the kitchen copboards.Cause it's slipper in
the kitchen.And away I went.I don't know how many I did but I did alot of them.He was quit impressed.
I thought now, put that in your pipe and smoke it.He just nodded is head and said good.
Then he says try a tricep push up.That ,I can't do so that was a different story.
I don't think our men realize how strong we are sometimes.Nice to let them know though;-)
HAve a good day everyone,
Lori, this is so funny! I just love when our d(umb)h(usbands) get all "I'm stronger than you will ever dream of being."

I recently got mine to do Cathe with me. He has always lifted REALLY heavy--seriously 150 lb bench presses with all that grunting & groaning. So, I challenged him to a 3 week rotation of S&H. Guess who lifts heavier--him or me? ME, ME, ME, ME!!!! He does 5 pound side lateral raises to my 10 lbs!!! NAH, NAH, NAH, NAH! He no longer calls Cathe my "girlie tapes."

Can't wait to get him doing low ends on leaner legs.

I'm ready to take the next step!
I certainly never doubt how strong you ladies are. My workout partner, who is female, is 4'10" about 120 lbs. and is solid as a rock. She pushes me every time we lift together. In fact, on some of the machines, like for tris and chest flyes, she is really not that far behind me in the weight she is lifting. She's an amazing woman!
Trevor :)
The other day I had trouble with something and I needed my husbands strength to help me (which I hated asking him) and he said what are you going to do when your 80? I said I'll be much stronger when I'm 80-I plan to keep on getting stronger not weaker! (Thank you Aquajock for that quote -it is one I often think of). He didn't say anything else!


Make each day count!
great stories. At my house my dear husband always says, "I know you're stronger than I am." He's so sweet - because I'm not. She's just so big and tall, naturally, that he's still stronger than I am. But not by much!


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