Another fun cardio combo


I did the cardio conditioning (first 35 min or so) of KPC and then immediately followed that with the IMAX 2 blast only premix. It takes about an hour total and it was sooooooo unbelievably hard (for me) but it felt great!
BethJ - you're a genius. My hat is off to you, and my skull gleams for you.

I'm writing that one down to add to my Mish-Mosh collection.

Beth, you must have Imax 2 on DVD, is that where the blast only premix is? Did you have to program that seperately or did you have both disks in one player and make one workout at once? I have KPC on DVD but the series with Imax 2 I bought before I had a DVD player so it's on VHS. I'm new to DVD's and have been trying some premixes their fun. Thanks for any feed back, Bri.:)
Yes, the blast mania premix can only be done from the DVD. I have a single disc player. I did the KPC, and you finish with that "low impact high intensity at its finest" where my HR is sky high, so I let my HR come back down into a "normal" aerobic range while I change the discs and cue in the title # for blast mania. I was in no danger of my heart rate falling below 140, believe me.
I like just doing the workouts on the fly because it only occurred to me to do the blast add on while I was in the middle of KPC. I'm always changing my mind during the workout of what I want to do, so I've never bothered with a multi-disc player and trying to cue up the whole workout in advance. I think my creative juices flow best during a workout anyway.

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