Another ? for the 'EDUCATED CROWD'


I am very new to Cathe, although I've been lurking around the forum for about six months. I've only done the wedding video, strength portion, once and am slowly learning to step. I did okay with the strength and only had to stop before Cathe did on a few of the floor work moves. I have been exercising with videos on and off for a little over a year and have mainly FIRMED. Now that the FIRM has changed so much, I started acquiring a variety of other tapes. I've definitely noticed that switching tapes and instructors every day is NOT for me. I like the consistency of one leader and style. I want to only workout with Cathe but wonder if I'm just not advanced enough in my fitness to do so. Is there a way to start with Cathe even if you're not an advanced exerciser? I know that just using lighter weights is an option, but is there a rotation that specifically builds a person up to Cathe's level?

I have the wedding tape and just got PowerHour+ DVD.

Thanks a bunch!
Welcome Liz!

This isn't a rotation idea, but I just wanted to suggest that for step videos I've found it helpful to learn Cathe's workouts in the order in which they were produced. In earlier videos she will break down and practice a new move and then just expect you to already know it when you get to it again in a later video. As far as weights, it seems to me that if you're working at your own weight level and pushing yourself enough to be challenged without losing good form, you're going to progress well no matter which tapes you're using. --Karen
Cathe is definitely advanced but her instrucction is so excellent that if you are determined to stick with her, I think you can get up to speed really quickly. Modify any movement that is too hard or do a basic step to compose yourself but keep with it. Keep your expectations reasonable and take as much time as you need to learn the moves. As for the strength training, start light and go up. Since I discovered Cathe, there has been no other instructor for me! Hang in there and you'll be a pro in no time!

Bobbi Chick's Rule!
HI Liz,
I am not an advanced exerciser, heck I just quit smoking last August, so my cardio leaves much to be desired, but I have found that Cathes' tapes (and I do most of them) are so easy to modify to your fitness level, and that makes them fun to w/o to.

I have been using her tapes for about 4 months, and have seen huge progress in all aspects of my fitness level. I did many of the firm tapes before this, and cant say that I got that great of results with them.

I started with Bodymax--just doing the step section, so I could learn her type of moves, and although I couldnt do Rythmic step yet I dont think---I am much better at catching on to more complex choreography.
Give it a try, you wont be disappointed--You can do these tapes!!
Jayne F
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-04-02 AT 10:12PM (Est)[/font][p]Thanks to you all for your great recommendations! After fingering through the volumes of rotations, I picked one! I've decided to start with Cathe's Gradual "Get In Shape For" Rotation, vol. 2 page 11. I'm very excited! I've been determining which workouts I will do for the next 6 months! I've even determined which DVD's to buy each month! I really miss scheduling and rotating my workouts like I did with the FIRM's. My 32 year birthday is coming up on November 2. That's what I'm "getting in shape for"! I hope that the changes I see in my body will be amazing.


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