Another dog question - Any weimaraner tips?


Shelley's second dog question made me wonder whether there were any weimaraner owners on the forum, and if so, do you have any tips for us with regards to health issues (I've read a ton about bloat), nervousness, and general traits? We rescued a two-year old male a week ago and now we have four dogs. After a few days of adjustment, everyone is doing fine, but aside from the endless energy the weim seems to have, the other things we've noticed is that he doesn't like his ears touched (how do you clean them then) and he seems to suffer from separation anxiety even if we just go out front for a few minutes without him. I have a rott, rott mix, and great dane mix, but am totally unfamiliar with weims except what I've read on the web.

Thanks, Sue
Sue, We had a weimaraner when I was a kid, which was a long time ago. A neighbor raised them, and Vickie was the runt of the litter. There was something wrong in her spine (?) and she couldn't move her hind legs independently. What one leg did, the other did too. When she walked or ran, her back legs kind of hopped. Other than that, she was fine, and that didn't seem to bother her. It was funny to watch her run sometimes. The hopping hind legs would out distance her running front legs and she would do a 360 and continue running. I have to say that Vickie was the smartest, nicest dog we ever had, and my mom was dog crazy, so we had many. I don't remember any particular health issues. As I recall, she lived a long and illness-free life. Good luck with your new addition.
His conditions may not be breed related. They could be a result of the how he was raised. As for the ears, you can try gentle conditioning. Start by rubbing an area on his neck that he is comfortable with. Gently stroke him while talking to him until he gets used to that. Do this several times a day. Slowly start to work up to his ears. It may take several weeks of this before he will allow his ears to be handled. As for the separation anxiety, hopefully being in a loving, caring home, he will begin to realize that when you leave you will return and not abandon him. Good luck with him. Glad he gets along with your other dogs.


I would start conditioning him to like his ears being touched. Pair it with yummy treats.

Weims are high energy like you've seen and a bit more like a working breed than some of the other sporting breeds. SA is probably more of an individual thing than breed thing.

Your best resource is probably a local breed club or the weimie national breed club. It should have a section on health and temperament.

I agree with Colleen - pair it with yummy treats. Reward him for letting you touch him - ears or all over. I've done this with both of my dogs and they have no issues with being touched anywhere. Even my older American Eskimo who hated having her feet touched will give me her paws now.

Colleen also gave you fab advice on the local breed club. You can also contact the AKC - they'll have info as well.

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