Another Cross Training Question

Lori B

New Member
I have seen many Q&As about the benefits of cross-training. I have been an avid step fan but I know I must try other programs and slowly have been trying new programs. Many usually add running to their workouts, but it is not my first choice. I was wondering if these count as sufficient enough cross-training. I do:
Weight Training
Hi/Low - but not my favorite
Walk my dog - which depending on the length of the walk, I may make it my warm-up for a longer exercise session or make it my entire workout if I need an "easy" day.

I would also like to fit in Interval Max. I cannot really get through the entire thing yet so I figured I would add a section every so often until I work up to the entire tape. My question is though, if I only complete half (say 30 minutes) is it safe to add on another 30 minutes of something else or should that alone be one workout.

Finally, I am probably the last person to say congrats so I wanted to extend my congrats to you, you husband, and family, especially your sister - who I am sure is having a blast being a new aunt.
From "Aunt Wory" aka Lori
Hi Lori!

They all sound like good crosstrainers to me. But the only selection I would hesitate on is walking the dog since this is not always a predictable and reliable cardio activity. If you can get your dog to walk briskly and keep a non-stop steady pace for a minimum of 20 minutes, then yes, it can be counted as an effective cardio activity. But if you have a dog that constantly likes to "stop and smell the roses", then yes, I agree with you, use it as a warm up for another cardio activity or an easy day workout.

As for Intervalmax, adding on another 30 minute cardio activity is fine and, as you asked, safe too. Just be careful to not let that distract you from your goal of eventually getting through all intervals. Make the intervals a priority. Each interval workout, or every few interval workouts, really push to get one more under your belt. Good luck!

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