Another Cardio Max Please??!!!



could you please make another Cardio Max video with floor and step aerobics?? None of that fancy dance stuff, just make me sweat the way the other one has!!! :-jumpy
Thanks for getting me in shape!!!
p.s. how about just a floor video interval of aerobics??? :-hmmm
Hi Patty! Thanks for sharing your suggestions. I have made a note of them and will put them with our other requests. I review the requests again when it gets to be that time to make serious decisions. Take Care!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-02 AT 12:57PM (Est)[/font][p]Oh NO!!!!!! I want choreography...just no more power 7's and over the board moves that go on and on and on...and no more infinite lunges. I don't like those, I want to keep changing stuff around and doing fun moves.
Circuit max is awesome by the way!
Oh No, Kiwi!!!

I LOVE power 7's and lunges off the board. Two of my fav moves! I love how the power 7's and 3's work the back of my legs!! Poor Cathe~How does she always please us all????? Not matter what she does, it will be great!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Oh No, Kiwi!!!

I love her moves, dont get me wrong, however her last video Rhythmic Step has left me bewildered. Tried it again today and cant get section 3 down at all! Besides I think a good hour of step and regular aerobics keeps me motivated. Power 7's rock and I dont mind good old fashioned lunges either.:-tired
RE: Oh No, Kiwi!!!

Ok, what do those power 7's do? I did Body Max for the first time today and now my thighs are killing me! I only did the first 30 minutes and this pain must be from those darn things...even my inner thighs hurt. LOL, and so many of you guys love them?! Please don't think I'm criticizing Cathe's moves, I love her! I just hate lunges and over the tops and P7's,P15's by nature, even at the gym. I'm one of those people who just stop right in the middle of the routine if you tell me to go over the board for the fourth time. Some may argue that they are good for me or that they really get the heart rate up, but so many routines have them and they've been around for ages and just like Mambos, need to be replaced by something fresh.
Hey Kiwi!

I LOVE kiwi's BTW!!! When I do Power 7's, 15's or 3's, I concentrate on having the WHOLE foot on the board and pushing off with my heel. I also make sure that my rear goes BACK instead of my knee shooting over my toes. Does that make sense? It really concentrates all that effort into the hams and rear. Guess that's why I like them sooo much. Those are two body parts I need help on! :7

tYour-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hey Kiwi!

I am still in pain...the KIWI suffers. Oh I remember you, you're the step instructor who makes her students do a bunch of lunges in the gym!!! I thought it was deja vu ... lol, atleast we are both consistent. By the way, I love Rhythmic Step.

Yes, I am an instructor, but I teach Hi/Lo, not step. And...we STILL do lunges across the room! We did them Tuesday. We lunge all the way across the room and then turn around and do 16 squats in place and repeat that three more times. We use hand held weights doing bicep curls or lateral lifts to the side at the same time. Talk about excellerating that heart rate! WHEW!!! I still need to tackle Rhythmic Step one of these days! Keep up the good work!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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