Hi, Anna (Bernard),
I remember you posted a message asking us what would we order, well what did you get? was it reebok intense moves, well if it was I hope you are enjoying it,I personally like it as a change.
I noticed that you put Terrie Reeves cardio strike plus boot camp in your list for a vote, did you manage to get this also? if not would you like it?.
I bought it from ck sales a few weeks ago and previewed it but, I am sorry to say that I find terrie reeves quite annoying, I just cant stand the posing and grunting, I just cant take her kickboxing seriously but you may like it. I'll pay you to take it off my hands.
I remember you posted a message asking us what would we order, well what did you get? was it reebok intense moves, well if it was I hope you are enjoying it,I personally like it as a change.
I noticed that you put Terrie Reeves cardio strike plus boot camp in your list for a vote, did you manage to get this also? if not would you like it?.
I bought it from ck sales a few weeks ago and previewed it but, I am sorry to say that I find terrie reeves quite annoying, I just cant stand the posing and grunting, I just cant take her kickboxing seriously but you may like it. I'll pay you to take it off my hands.