Anna what did you get?


Hi, Anna (Bernard),

I remember you posted a message asking us what would we order, well what did you get? was it reebok intense moves, well if it was I hope you are enjoying it,I personally like it as a change.
I noticed that you put Terrie Reeves cardio strike plus boot camp in your list for a vote, did you manage to get this also? if not would you like it?.
I bought it from ck sales a few weeks ago and previewed it but, I am sorry to say that I find terrie reeves quite annoying, I just cant stand the posing and grunting, I just cant take her kickboxing seriously but you may like it. I'll pay you to take it off my hands.

Hi Hotchick !

Well, at first I was hell bent on getting Reebok's Intense Moves, but after previewing it at Collage, I thought 'no way', it looks harder (even though it is shorter) than Imax 1 ! :eek:
So, the Kickboxing freak in me decided to go for CIA 2203, CIA 2205, Kathy Smiths Kickbox, and Timesaver cardio, mainly just for some lower impact stuff :7
I just want Cathe to bring out a Kickboxing series, with new routines (drooling at the thought ! :) :7 :) )

Next time, I am going for the PS series, to jazz up my daily body parting ! :D

I really, really want Muscle Endurance and Bootcamp, but I am not sure if my right knee could take a 14" step ? Maybe it would work with my step at 8" ? I don't know ?

Before I go, CIA 2203, and 2205 are pretty good, I am certainly enjoying them ! :)

Anna :)
Oh well!

I suppose i'll have to get rid of the dratted tape elsewhere, I tried to like it but it just annoys me.

my next purchase will be the New york city ballet workout 2, and Larry lams kickboxing tape have you tried it?
it looks very good or has any other cathites tried it?

Where are you purchasing your Larry Iams tape from, Hotchick ? Can you point me in the right direction ?


Amazon sells it,

its a two tape set for $24.99


You can preview a bit of it on his own website if you download into real player.

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