<---says good morning to all the lovely ladies happily chatting away
<---is waiting for caffiene to reach brain
<---thanks for the clarification of the family satisfacion committee which came before <--- asked
<---thought Amy might have family meetsing to discuss how well it is working, etc...
<---imagine's asking DH if he is satisfied and laughs and laughs
<---thinks it must be very difficult to deal with chronic pain and sends a hug
<---know <--- will miss Debbie and loved the little dance
<---thinks Nancy can pull off the nude vacation thing and wasa hoping she would start that trend
<--- hopes UK isn't driven mad by crazy day because they are stinky
<---knows few can pull off jazz hands like that
<---tells Maeg it' s A-okay as long as <--- does NOT forget the holes
<---says there are storage bags that are HUGE
<---thinks Shelley's a good faker
<---started to wink on that and wondered if that was plain weird
<---asks how the hell <--- would know?
<---begs Michele to take <--- to Italy since DH and she want to see how beautiful it is but never get around to making the trip
<---is slinking off for coffee refill and has to dispose of dead rat on doorstep
<---says it rained last night and thanks everyone and says keep it coming, especially thunder storms because they are the best