Ok, not really a question, but a fairly hilarious story...I was walking home from work last night (one of the benefits of being a city gal), when I tripped and fell. Not gracefully or quietly; I flew what felt like 50 feet in the air in slow-motion and landed smack on my elbow, which promptly began to projectile-spurt blood. Not only that, but I happened to be on a college campus, so the snickers of frat boys, not one of whom helped me up or even asked if I was ok, echoed through the streets. What does this have to do with Cathe? As I was falling (hurtling through the air may be a more accurate description!), what flashed through my mind was "If I hurt myself, how am I going to get my daily Cathe fix???" As I lay dazed on the pavement, I thought, "if I broke something, I can't do a video tomorrow!" Luckily, nothing was hurt too badly, and I sweated and cursed my way through All Step this morning as planned! Is the fact that Cathe was the first thing to cross my mind when faced with possible injury a sign of CTX addiction?