an upper body workout


that I can do on my off days from running. I currently do not own a club stepper,only a firm fanny lifter, and a weight bench. The weights I have are sizes:3,5,8,10. I am saving for a barbell and club stepper for the summer(hopefully sooner). Which Cathe workout can easily be modified for a beginner and allows growth with it? TIA everyone!
Try the CTX upper body split and PUB (Pyramid upper body). With the PUB, you can choose to do the whole pyramid up and down or just do up or just go down and you can add on more and increase weights as your muscles grow.

The CTX is great because it is organized easily to work one upper body muscle group per day and the exercises used are all foundational ones.

The new Gym Style upper body workouts are also excellent and my current faves. You can grow with these a lot. Classic exercises, varied rep speeds, you can go as heavy or as light as you want, no matter what Cathe and crew are using. And Cathe does a good job of explaining form on the GS workouts.

With weight training, there is not much modification to make between beginners and advanced exercisers, except perhaps volume you can do on the same day/during the same week and the amount you can lift. For example, you may find on the GS chest w/o that the amount of sets Cathe does is too much for you at the beginning. You simply cut them in half and work your way up to being able to do them all eventually. Or, Cathe may be using 25 pound dumbells for her chest work: so what? You go right ahead and pick up your 8's or 10's and make it work for you.

As you get stronmger and build up more endurance, you can add more sets, use heavier weights and before long you will be investing in a pair of 12, 15 and 20 pound dumbells. This was certainly my experience after a few months working out with cathe!

Good luck and enjoy!

Another vote for PUB. Cathe uses only DB's for PUB plus you get an awesome ab workout with a stability ball at the end of the workout. Your arms will be fried! You can build up with PUB starting from light weights. There are not a lot of variations in PUB so you will learn the exercises and know when you can eek out one more rep or when you need to up the weight b/c each exercise has the following reps 12/10/8/10/12. You can also do a shorter version of the workout until you are up to doing the whole thing or you can use the shorter version to do 3 sets at a moderate to heavy weight instead of using light weights.
Thank so much claremc and gogigi!! I am ordering both of these......treating myself. Thank so much for replying! Ty!

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