An introduction thread !

1) Your name/age/how long you’ve been married or with current partner (!!)

Windy H./38/13 years

2) Where you live
South Carolina

3) How long you’ve been a Cathe fan
Since about the time was created. Heard about Cathe there and bought Step Max.

4) Your favourite Cathe tapes - both cardio and/or strength
CTX for cardio - especially the interval one and the circuit one
Slow & Heavy for strength but Power Hour is great too.

5) How many children you have, if any, their ages and whether DD/DS
DS - 11 and DS - 9

6) If you are pregnant - whether it’s your first, second etc..
Preggo with third, due 06/24. U/S said girl.

7) Words of wisdom about pregnancy
Drink lots and lots of water.

8) Words of wisdom about motherhood
Hi all! I am mostly a lurker, but I want to get more involved :)

1. My name is Heather, I am 26 and have been married 3 years.

2. I live in mid-Missouri

3. I have only known about Cathe for about 6 months, but quickly became a huge fan.

4. I would say that my favorite tape(s) are the CTX series, just because they fit so well into my small amount of time I have to workout right now.

5. I have one son, who is 15 months old.

6. I am seven months pg with #2 (another boy). I am due on July 13th.

7. I would say to let your body enjoy being pregnant. Enjoy the roundness and the "womanliness" remembering that there is a whole other person inside you. And defintely take pictures along the way. Listen to your body and don't push past what it is telling you is comfortable.

8. Wow, I don't know if I have much advice on being a mom. I would say to revel in every day and take the time to notice the little things about your children. And write them down. We have a journal that we pull out every once in a while to write down something funny or cute that our ds has said or done. You think you'll remember those things for the rest of your life, but most of us won't. Also spend quality time together- turn off the tv and play with your children.

I have loved reading about all of you! I wish you the best pregnancies and deliveries.
I haven't been here in a while - I have a one month old now and he doesn't let me get on the computer much!
But here I go!

My name is Melissa and I am 30 years old; My husband Sean and I have been together for 8 years - married for 4.

We live in Massachusetts

I've been a Cathe fan for about a year, but I haven't done the taped in a while - pregnancy will do that!

I don't really have a favorite tape; all depends on my mood that day!

I have one son and he is one month old!

Words of wisdom about pregnancy - well, I guess I would say try to relax and enjoy it. Try to stay healthy and develop a good relationship with your Dr. or midwife. If you're not comfortable with that person find a new one. And really, enjoy pregnancy; you'll be surprised when you miss it!

Words of wisdom about motherhood - I haven't been a mother long enough! I'm always looking for advice!
I am not a big poster either, but thought this would be fun too.

1) Your name/age/how long you’ve been married or with current partner (!!)
Amy - 32 years old, been married 2 years, but have been dating for 8 years

2) Where you live
Ann Arbor, MI

3) How long you’ve been a Cathe fan
6-years. Started with Mega Step Blast and continued from there.

4) Your favourite Cathe tapes - both cardio and/or strength
Cardio - Step Works/PowerMax
Strength - Strength portions of CTX series

5) How many children you have, if any, their ages and whether DD/DS
None so far

6) If you are pregnant - whether it’s your first, second etc..
Pregnant with my first due Dec. 15th. (8 weeks along)

7) Words of wisdom about pregnancy
Not sure if these are words of wisdom, but I am constantly amazed at the adaptations my body is making to grow this new person.

8) Words of wisdom about motherhood
Will have to wait until I am a mother :)
1. My name is Emily, 26 years old, and I have been married for almost three years.

2. I live in Little Rock, Arkansas, but I grew up in South Carolina, went to college in Utah, lived in Idaho for a little while, then lived in Buffalo, New York.

3. I have been a Cathe fan since late 1999. I discovered her tapes in a Fitness or Shape magazine (can't remember which) that I was reading at the gym in Buffalo. There were no good step classes, so I was desperate for something and happened upon Cathe. What a great discovery!

4. I don't know if I can pick a favorite. I like Power Hour and Power Max, but they're all great.

5. I have an almost 13 month old DD. I am almost to the point that I am ready to have another one, but I'm going to wait until DH is finished with law school (another year).

6. Not pregnant, but hope I will be by this time next year!

7. Words of wisdom about pregnancy: don't be in a hurry for it to end because once it ends you'll wish you had just a little more time before that beautiful baby comes. Also, exercise; it makes the pregnancy more enjoyable, I think.

8. Words of wisdom about motherhood: Remember that you only get these precious gifts for a little while, so make the most of the time you have with them.
I've been lurking and soaking up all the good advice and info, but I'm ready to come out of the dark...<g>

Nancy 31 (until next week) Married: 6yrs.

Washington DC area

A few months. I heard/read about this site from the Firm forums

I'm planning to get Cathe videos for my post-delivery shape up. Recommendations anyone?? I've been modifying Firm Vol 4 & 6 while pregnant. I fell "off the workout wagon" during my first trimester 24x7 "morning" sickness.

I'm in my 31st week.

Words of wisdom about pregnancy...
Hmmm, having unfortunately experienced a couple of miscarriages and difficulty trying to conceive, I feel so fortunate to have the discomforts of late pregnancy. I also remember wondering if I would ever be lucky enough to have a child. I can't complain because I know there are many would would do anything to be in my shoes.

Motherhood...I hope to join the ranks in a couple of months.
What a fun thread, thanks Fitnik! I'm a little late but thought I would jump in here too.

1) Your name/age/how long you’ve been married or with current partner (!!)
My name is Alison and Im just about to turn 35. I have been married for 5 years.

2) Where you live
I live in central New Jersey.

3) How long you’ve been a Cathe fan
For almost exactly 2 years now!

4) Your favourite Cathe tapes - both cardio and/or strength
Oh boy it's so hard to pick! I would say Powermax, CTX series and Cardio Kicks among others for cardio. CTX, PS series for strength lol and Power Hour (ok I can't pick just one :) )

5) How many children you have, if any, their ages and whether DD/DS
I have a little boy who is 4 now :) Oh and a one year old Newfoundland puppy who counts as a person due to his size :p

6) If you are pregnant - whether it’s your first, second etc..
This is my second pregnancy. I am 35 weeks now with another little boy. I'm scheduled to have a planned c-section on May 28th so 4 more weeks to go from today!

7) Words of wisdom about pregnancy
I love being pregnant and am actually sad that this one is almost over in some ways. I would say enjoy every minute you can. It is the most miraculous blessing I think we are given a chance to experience.

8) Words of wisdom about motherhood
Probably the same as being pregnant in some ways...enjoy every minute you can. Although I treasure each step of watching my son grow up I know each stage will never be repeated. I hope I can just savor every moment and make the most of this precious time when my children are small. Nothing in life has taught me so much and made me as happy as having my children. I love all the advice you all have written here so far! p.s. Windy I joined FlyLady about a month ago and it has totally changed my life for the better in so many ways so I second your advice :)
Neat! I, too, am a "lurker" and an occasional poster so here goes:

1) Kris/32/married 6 years May 25

2) Reinholds, PA (between Lancaster & Reading)

3) 10 years! Yikes! Seems like just yesterday we "met"!

4) I love her "oldies, but goodies" so to speak!

5) 1 son, Austin - 25 months and 1 daughter, Claire - 3 months

6) I hope not since I just gave birth 3 months ago, but I would love to have a 3rd and am still trying to convince DH!

7) Don't sweat the weight gain - it comes off. If it's your first pregnancy, enjoy the last & final time you'll have for the rest of your life to be lazy! :)

8) Ignore the books; ignore the "experts"; put all the books you have and throw them in a closet; your baby will tell you what's right for him/her; and my final words of advice - RELAX and just go with it.

Congratulations to all and good luck!
This has NOTHING to do with your post, but I must ask for your advise on something travel related.

My father LOVES anything to do with the British, and I think I've finally talked him into traveling to the British Isles. Where does he begin when he gets over there? What would be a good way to see the country? Tours? A cab? (taxi or whatever you call them over there) I know he has to see London, and I want him to see the countryside where James Harriott, the vet, lived.

Any hints you can give me I would appreciate. He wants me to go, too, but I mainly want to be sure I go to Liverpool, home of the Beatles.
No problem!

>This has NOTHING to do with
>your post, but I must
>ask for your advise on
>something travel related.
>My father LOVES anything to do
>with the British, and I
>think I've finally talked him
>into traveling to the British
>Isles. Where does he
>begin when he gets over
>there? What would be
>a good way to see
>the country? Tours?
>A cab? (taxi or whatever
>you call them over there)
> I know he has
>to see London, and I
>want him to see the
>countryside where James Harriott, the
>vet, lived.
>Any hints you can give me
>I would appreciate. He
>wants me to go, too,
>but I mainly want to
>be sure I go to
>Liverpool, home of the Beatles.

The best thing is once he's in London to contact the Tourist Board - there'll be a wealth of information about seeing various sites. It is best to join a tour as they can be good value for money and cover a lot of ground. There is an awful lot to see here for such a small country - his problem will be narrowing down the multitude of options!

London is a beautiful city with a good underground system (the Tube) as well as buses etc.. so he shouldn't need to spend much on taxis which are very expensive here.

Best of luck to your father!

Your friend in fitness, Fitnik
It's been years . . .

But once long ago I traveled in England and Scotland and used a BritRail pass to get around. Do they still have such things? Even if not, the train system in England is superb -- their public transportation is much better than most of us in the States are used to. Personally, I would recommend that over renting a car -- it's hard to remember to drive on the left side of the road and I found myself concentrating so hard on staying in my own lane that I missed most of the countryside anyway.

As for sites, I'll put in a plug for the Lake District -- gorgeous!
My name is Angie and I am 21-been married for 4 years!!I have known my DH since we were old enough to talk!
I live in north Florida
I have been a Cathe fan for about 1.5 years
My fav.are prob. power hour,rythmic step,and cardio kicks
I am not pregnant at the time...but we would love to have kids!!
When you are preg.I would have to say remember you have a new life growing inside you and do everything you can to help that.
Enjoy every moment you have with your kids ....they grow WAY to fast..(I have a few neices and nephews)

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