Amy Bento ~ HLX


Ok, Is it only me, but who doesn't care for HLX.

One, I find it to be a BIG space hog, which I don't have room for. Maybe Cathe spoiled me, but I don't think she breaks down the moves very much like Cathe does.
It seemed like I had (2) left feet while doing this. I did break a good sweat, but their is something I don't like about it.
Of course, I am going to give it a few mores tries before sending it back to Collage.
Who finds her KBX to be better? Is that DVD less of a space hog?


"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

>One, I find it to be a BIG space hog, which I don't have room
>for. Maybe Cathe spoiled me, but I don't think she breaks
>down the moves very much like Cathe does.
>It seemed like I had (2) left feet while doing this.

There are definitely some moves that are space hogs (the "chase"? move especially), but I found them adaptable (it certainly doesn't use any more space than Cathe's Cardio Kicks, for example, or even some of the CTX workouts).

I also found her 'cuing' (or lack of it) annoying at times. Especially when we're doing a move, and all of a sudden, she just adds on 4 new moves without cuing or intro-ing.

As for liking KBX better: I wouldn't say so.
KBX does have some forward-moving moves that use too much space for me (I have to do a front kick as a back kick to keep from kicking things of a shelf).
I personally modify the workout somewhat to make it doable with correct kickboxing form (I posted all my modifications---at least the ones I used the first time--on a long thread about the and you can find a couple of discussion about KBX). If you aren't into 'real' kickboxing, and/or don't care if the moves are authentic (ie: she does a hook off the back arm, which I've never seen before, and which doesn't make sense, because you'd end up hitting yourself more than an opponent) then you might like it.
Amy's energy and enthusiasm are first rate, and I think her cuing in KBX is better than in Hi-lo (though it's a bit hard for me to tell, because I don't exactly follow her cues when I modify the moves, LOL!)
I have to modify more for space with KBX than with HLX. I love both as both are fun, intense cardio workouts with great music. The lack of breakdown doesn't bother me as I will do over and over and I'm finding that I enjoy learning a new workout and the challenge involved in that. If you are concerned about space, I wouldn't order KBX unless you want to modify some moves which is easy to do, once you know the workout. I used to think that KBX was my favorite of the two, but now I think HLX is and premix #7 is awesome. I do it minus the back work for a nice lower body workout with a few cardio blasts.
P.S. Edited to say, that I felt like you the first few times...two left feet for sure!
After doing HLX twice, I just ordered KBX and APX. I like HLX a lot because I'm a fan of Hi/Lo--really burnt out on step right now--and I find the choreography doable but not dull. I like the music and burn a lot of calories in a little time.
I bought it and it's going back. I find that it is not extreme at all and I don't feel like I am getting an intense workout. The space issues can be modified but I don't like it enough to make ammends. I am also sending back the new Powerstike because I didn't even break a sweat with that one. I am exchanging them both for Cathe's Bootcamp.

i love the fact that she doesnt breakdown the moves

i love love love all my cathe, but i get really annoyed when im doing rhythmic step for the 800th time and have to "learn" how to do a mambo chacha every time

in amy bentos advanced step challenge, she has a section in the beginning that breaks down the 4 hardest moves, but when you get to the workout NO breakdown, just boom, right into it. i see a workout like that staying fresh longer.

i wish cathe would include a premix on every cardio dvd that just has each final put together section repeated 6-8 times
>i love the fact that she doesnt breakdown the moves
>i love love love all my cathe, but i get really annoyed when
>im doing rhythmic step for the 800th time and have to "learn"
>how to do a mambo chacha every time
>in amy bentos advanced step challenge, she has a section in
>the beginning that breaks down the 4 hardest moves, but when
>you get to the workout NO breakdown, just boom, right into it.
> i see a workout like that staying fresh longer.

I agree! Once I learned these workouts, the sweat flew!
>i love the fact that she doesnt breakdown the moves.

I don't mind her or any instructor not breaking down moves, IF they cue new moves well. I don't like having a new sequence of something like 4 different moves that she just kind of throws in with no warning. There's really only one spot like that in HLX that made me almost swear at Amy. ;-)

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