Amy Bento and Tracey Staehle

> I did not see the choreography as
>something that would personally challenge me in Tracy's clips.

Interesting: I don't really look for 'choreography" in kickboxing workouts. In fact, too much 'choreography' (like the pivoty moves in some of Janis Saffel's early workouts, or the first segement of Kick Max) can actually decrease intensity.

The intensity in KB workout, IMO, comes from the energy you put into the kicks and punches (and therefore, on one's personal level of skill/experience to some extent). I can still do the same KB workouts I did years ago (except for the boredom factor!) and get a more intense workout now than I did then because I can hit hard and heavy now.
RE: Kathryn

>I preordered all of Tracey's and Amy's Kickboxing workout.
>I'm a bit peeved about Tracey's right now, because one of the
>reasons I ordered all three was that she had announced that
>her kickboxing workout, which originally was only having about
>25 minutes of kickboxing, the rest being strength
>conditioning) would be increased to a full 45-minutes of
>kickboxing, plus 40 minutes of cnditioning, as per customer
>Now, after filming, she just recently announced that the
>kickboxing is actually only about 35 minutes (including
>warm-up and cool-down).

I'm new to Tracey, so I checked out her website to see her new w/o's. I didnt see this announcment! It says it's 83 minutes. Boy, would I be mad if I purchased it and found out the time was cut more than half!!

May I ask where you saw the change in her w/o times?
RE: Kathryn

If you click on the link you provided and read the description it says: 37 min. of kickbox, 46 min. of sculpting, and 5 min stretch. No one is complaining that she changed the actual length of the workout just the amount of kickbox in the workout.

Hope this helps answer your question:)

ETA: Oops sorry! I noticed after I posted that this question was addressed to Kathryn.:eek:
RE: Jacque

>If you click on the link you provided and read the
>description it says: 37 min. of kickbox, 46 min. of sculpting,
>and 5 min stretch. No one is complaining that she changed the
>actual length of the workout just the amount of kickbox in the
>Hope this helps answer your question:)
>ETA: Oops sorry! I noticed after I posted that this question
>was addressed to Kathryn.:eek:

Thank you Jacque! Maybe I read the other post too fast. I think I'll pass on this. What I dont get, if she's new to the workout DVD industry, why does she charge so much? A lot of well known instructors have their workouts less through Collage Video, I think.
RE: Kathryn

>ETA: Oops sorry! I noticed after I posted that this question
>was addressed to Kathryn.:eek:

No problem! You said exactly what I would have!;-)
RE: Jacque

I actually think Tracey's prices are reasonable. I ordered all three and with shipping, the order came to $65.49. I think that's a pretty good deal. Plus, I like how honest and open she's been with her newly found fanbase and I think there's a huge learning curve with entering this market. Just look how much Amy charged with her first round of DVDs. $26 bucks for a 30 min. cardio workout?? But now this new round of Amy's workouts seems very well-priced. I pre-ordered all three (I've never, ever done an Amy workout before - but I couldn't resist the prices!).

But back to Tracey, I think her prices are quite reasonable. Also, she doesn't have the following of, say, Cathe or other DVD instructors, so I'm sure she's invested a lot of her own money into this endeavor. Providing I have some money saved up, I plan on ordering Tracey's next three, too.

That said, my all-time absolute favorite is, was, and forever will be Cathe and I simply CANNOT WAIT for her newest four to ship. Okay, I can wait, but I'm just so excited for them!!!!!!!!! The Drill Max premixes alone have me 100% satisfied.

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