Amy B...I am getting great results w/ GS uppers 2x's a week


Hi Amy,

I think it was you who mentioned you were going to try to get in the GS uppers 2x's a week. I have been doing this now for two weeks and am seeing great results. I also am running 4x's per week, doing 1 lower pyramid, 1 Bootcamp and 1 Core. In 6 weeks I will have to mix that up but right now it's a super formula for me.

It's cool you are seeing results after three weeks. GS is a great weight workout. I am starting monday the slow and heavy series twice a week. So maybe I can see some results.

Can you tell me what results you gain from your routine?

RE: Amy B...I am getting great results w/ GS uppers 2x'...

Would you mind posting a couple weeks of your rotation?
RE: Amy B...I am getting great results w/ GS uppers 2x'...

Sunday ~Bootcamp
Monday ~30 min run/GS CT
Tuesday~ 30 min run/ GS BDB
Wed ~Pyr Lower
Thurs ~GS CT
Fri~ 30 min run/GS BDB
Sat~ 45 /20 min of core

My arms have more definition, I've lost the pad of belly fat and I feel stronger than ever!
So far so good, although I don't really have a day of rest. It's been 2 1/2 weeks so far and I don't feel any burnout. My Saturday feels most like my rest day.

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