American Idol...Who is it going to be???


I missed most of the show last night ( little league baseball for my DS ), and I have been hearing mixed reviews regarding last night's performances.
Who do you think will get the vote tonight, Bo or Carrie?:D
I honestly like them both, but I like Bo more. I voted for Bo twice yesterday. I could not get thru much. I liked Fantasia when she was on last year and voted for her 200 times. LOL

It's hard to say...both had rounds that were better than the other. I'm hoping it's Bo, though.

I voted for Bo 20 times.
Once you get to this level of talent, it seems so silly that there has to be a "winner". Bo is obviously more mature and more polished than Carrie, but that doesn't mean that Carrie can't be great someday. She just needs more time.

Bo brought real soul to the last song. It didn't sound like the same song that Carrie had just done. But I didn't like his other 2 numbers.

Carrie was very nervous and missed a lot of notes, but so what? What could be more nerve-wracking than being a finalist on AI in front of millions of people? Her composure was admirable, and her warm personality kept shining through. These people, and Vonzell too, are truly admirable. Even Simon was being nice to them. They deserved it.

In short, I had no interest in voting. Enough with the competition already. At this point, I think they are both winners.
I really like Bo's style. They haven't had an Idol winner like that before. He kind of reminds of 3 Doors Down or someone in a band like that. That's the kind of music I love. Carrie has a beautiful voice but she is just too twangy and country for me. Too many of those IMO. I hope Bo gets it, but even if not, they'll both have some pretty nice careers.

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

I'm hoping it's Bo, but it probably doesn't even matter because both of them will come out of this with recording contracts. They are both incredible vocalists. :)
Though coming in second isn't bad either, just ask what's-his-name (and the other "what's-his-name" who won that same year only had a sucky song or two on the radio: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..").

At least Bo is the one I hope will win. Though Carrie has a lot of fans because of the popularty of country music (which I hate, in general: twangidy twang twang!)

I don't know who writes the original songs, buy they bite! Bo actually did make that one listenable, but the songs still bite! Such insipid lyrics! And the one that Bo sang first and Carrie sang second seemed to have not much of a melodie in places (unless both of the singers were doing a bad job on it, which I doubt).
I liked both of them and both performances were worthy of AI. That said, I do not really like Country music but I really liked Carrie's performances and vocals - that says more IMHO than anything! Bo was good too and definitely more mature given his age and experience in the business. I did not vote as I felt that both of them were winners.
Carrie still needs to work on her stage presence, though. When they do long-shots of her, she often looks awkward (standing crouching with bow legs, but not in a cool way), and she doesn't seem to have much of a repertoire of stage moves.
It took about an hour to get through last night, but I got my vote in for Bo! I'm looking forward to see who wins!

Susan C.M.
i like them both... they are the correct final 2... but after last night.. i liked bo just a tad bit better! i even voted a few times til i got bored!

i can't wait til 5 (ok... closer to 7) so we can see who wins! (east coast satellite feed!)
cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
Bo, Baby! I voted at least 15 times, and Dh probably voted another 10 on the business line. I will have to record American idol tonight it's on at the same time as Lost and I can't miss that.


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