amazing results


Hi Cathe!
I've been lingering in the wings for a while, but never posted. Who knows why! I just wanted to let you know about the best post I read on this site-- it was your post regarding starting to run or walk in conjunction with step aerobics and weight training.
I'm a single mom with a 3 year old & I was stuck in this rut of only doing step aerobics. My knee was suffering & I was getting slightly, well, bored. Then, I bought the PS series and some pretty basic weights and got a "slightly used" baby jogger. I have to tell you that the results are amazing!! Who knew there was a runner in me waiting to get out?
I just wanted to thank you for inspiring me, I read the posts on this site almost every day and it really helps me stay motivated. I've lost a lot of weight (about 40lbs) since I started. My daughter was awake a few mornings ago when I was doing "Step Jam" and she looked at me and said "I like your exercise movie, Mommy!"
Just thought I would let you know! Thanks for your help, it's really changed me!!
Hi Elyse!

Thanks for sharing your inspiring story with us. Good for you. That crosstraining works everytime, hee hee! Congratulations on your 40 lb weight loss and give your daughter a hug from me
! Glad to have you with us on the site!
baby jogger

Hi Elyse:
I too have incorporated Cathe's suggestion for walking in my routine and it is great! However, I am still carrying my 25lb baby on my back and can't "run", at least safely or sanely, this way. My question is, how large of a baby/ toddler can a baby jogger handle? I am thinking of getting one but am hesitant because I don't know how long I can use it and they are expensive.
Hi Rachel

Hi Rachel,
The baby joggers are the best. I have a 3yr.old and he loves our outside runs. Anyhow the stroller is capable of holding 75lbs. for the babyjogger and 30lbs. for the one called the zipper which is cheaper in price.If you would like you can visit their website at and find out all the info you need.Hope this helps.

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