Am I wrong about this?

In the last two years, gyms have had to be real sensitive about phones in the lockerrooms because of lawsuits brought on by people taking pictures where they should not. The no phone rule is a good rule. However, not enforcing it for everyone is a real problem. Makes the rule no good.
Hi LauraMax,

I agree with everyone else and think that you did the right thing. I was just wondering if you would mind mentioning the name of the gym(you can email it to me if you prefer). I saw that your in South Orange and I'm getting ready to move to Madison, NJ and don't want to make the mistake of joining a gym that has that kind of horrible customer service. :)

Thanks in advance,
Jennifer, I am MORE THAN HAPPY to give them bad PR LOL. It was Can Do on Morris Ave in Short Hills.

BTW, you're gonna love Madison--it's such a great little town. Actually the whole area is great--awesome shopping, grocery stores, boutiques, etc. I don't know how familiar you are with the area, but if you've never been to the Short Hills Mall--OMG! Wait until you see it, & be prepared to drop some major cash! :eek:

My best friend/next door neighbor works for a chiropractor in Madison. If you need an adjustment or just want to have lunch w/her so she can show you around town, let me know.

And maybe we could meet & work out together's always great to hook up w/a fellow Catheite!

It is probable that you were stopped at the front desk because you were actually on your phone, so it was obvious that you had it with you. most people probably have it tucked away in their bag, so the front desk doesnt see it and cant comment. It is assumed that adults would be responsible and considerate without having to have the policy-police performing bodysearches or security checks. So, I dont blame the desk girl for following company policy, it is her job. That being said, it is not okay for her to be rude for any reason. And the manager should have returned your call. Not just because you are a valued customer, but as a general courtesy. I am saddened by how rude and impolite people are nowadays.
Laura, IMO workers at the gym have NOTHING to do but pick on certain ppl. Obvioulsy that day was your day. I dunno I bet if you even talk to the managment, he'll be an AS* about it too}( You did the right thing and got a different membership somewhere else, and it even COSTS less!!!I think you acted perfectly. Accept... next time, keep a crowbar handy:7


If you were talking on the phone as you walked in, it must have been right in front of their noses. I think that's a little different. They can't pretend not to see it like they do with the other cell phoners. I get the feeling that they don't really care to enforce the rule, but if it's right under their noses, I don't think they have a choice. These are lower wage earner kids right? - I wouldn't expect them to be good business managers and have good judgment implementing or enforcing policies.

If you don't like your new gym as much, I'd just go back. You're only hurting yourself and you don't have anything to prove here. Just my opinion.
I'd talk to their manager if you wanted to stay at that gym. It would not be a hard policy to enforce consistently, especially since they decided to come down so forceful on you. A reminder would have been appropriate since it is obvious they aren't enforcing the no cell phone rule for everyone.

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