Am I the only one...?

I am the only one who can

a) make the bed,

b) take empty food cans and yogurt cups OFF the kitchen counter INTO the recycle bin,

c) rinse those recycle things,

and d) hang up jackets instead of dropping them on the floor wherever they're taken off,

oh and e) put shoes on our shoe shelves after we take them off (instead of leaving them wherever they get taken off),

oh and f) I'm not the ONLY one who can take out the kitchen garbage, but I'm apparently the best at it.

All this said with a big smile, 'cause I do love my loved ones!

Is there anything WORSE than using the bathroom only to discover there is no toilet paper, or even worse, the toilet backs up when you go to flush it?x( I am reminded of that scene in Dumber and Dumber where he uses the bathroom at his girlfriends house and the toilet backs up!!:7
So to avoid this horrible scenario, I do a very tacky thing in my house, we always have people running in and out of the house, so I keep new rolls of toilet paper along with a plunger in plain sight-in every bathroom!! Oh, and instead of guest towels or hand towels, buy those paper towels they use in public bathrooms, they are so much easier and you have less wash. Plus it is kinda gross wiping your hands on someone else's already used handtowel.
Am I weird or what??:)
And then pass that one on to work also. We have designated restrooms and even the ladies at work, sans probably one or two out of 20, will pick up, change the tp or paper towels, etc.

I always thought it was the male species but, sadly, that isn't the truth. x(

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